
Friday 28 December 2012

5 Tricks to Losing weight for your New Years Party

The phrase ‘New Years Party’ can bring up a lot of dread for many slimmers. Not only do you have to face the daunting task of dressing up in front of your colleagues, but there is also the endless of obstacles of avoiding the buffet table and the bar.

If you too are looking for ways to maintain your New Year weight loss and not put on a single lb during this seasonal holiday, then there are a number of tricks you can use.

Below we have listed 5 useful tricks - which you can implement at any party – that will help you to remain in firm control of your weight loss and ensure you still have a good time.

New Year Weight Loss

1. Eat before you go – buffet tables are renowned for bringing out the worse in you when it comes to snacking. Filled with bite sized foods that are just begging to be eaten, it is easy to eat much more than you usually would.

To avoid this temptation, make sure you eat before you go. By arriving at your New Years party already full and satisfied, you will confidently be able to stay away from the buffet table and resist the temptation of overeating.

2. Fill your plate – as a rule there is no limit to the number of times you can visit the buffet table, which is where overeating can become problematic. Filled with the knowledge that you can go up again, again and again, you do not fill your plate with all the foods that you want the first time, but instead choose to turn the buffet table into a 3 course meal that can become very calorific…

However by making the decisive decision to fill your plate just once – no more - you will find that you are more aware of what you are eating and will eat everything you want the first time.

3. Bring a limited amount of money – New Year parties are renowned for excessive drinking, but the problem with drinking too much alcohol is all the hidden calories waiting to get in your system.

The average pint contains 250 calories whilst a shot of vodka contains around 50 calories. Drink just 4 pints and you’ll have instantly consumed half your daily calorie intake.

To resist the temptation of consuming endless unnecessary calories bring with you enough money to buy just a few drinks. By limiting how much you can spend, you can remain in control of your New Year Weight loss and escape the guilt of drinking too much.

NOTE: one of key reasons for New Year weight gain is drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, so it is essential that you limit how much alcohol you consume. Limit this, and you can limit your weight gain.

4. Control where you are standing – one of the curses of the buffet table is that it is easy to keep picking at the food displayed there, especially if you are positioned next to or in plain sight of the table.

For this reason, make sure you are seated as far away as possible from the buffet table so you can resist the inclination to snack. With the buffet table out of sight, it will also be out of mind too.

5. Get dancing – that’s right! Get on that dance floor and enjoy yourself. Dancing is a great way to burn some of those excess calories, PLUS whilst you are dancing you’ll be drinking and eating less too.

Whether you looking to lose Christmas weight or limit the impact this holiday season will have on your New Year weight gain; implementing any one of the above steps can help you to remain in firm control of your weight loss.

In fact these very same tricks can be used for all occasions, so give them a try today and experience the New Year weight loss you deserve.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Can You Lost Weight With Pilates?

One form of workout that more and more people are starting to get into that you might also be considering for yourself is pilates. Pilates is a cross between yoga and ballet training in a sense in that it’s going to help to increase your flexibility and range of motion, while also helping to increase your overall muscle strength.

Those who are not that interested in completing a weight lifting program may decide to turn to pilates as an alternative way to enhance their fitness level and tone their muscles.

But will pilates work for fat loss?

Let’s have a look at what you should consider to answer this question.

Pilates And Your Calorie Burn
The very first thing to think about is the calorie burn that you’re going to experience with pilates training. Since losing fat really does come down to burning off more calories than you consume, activities that do burn calories faster will help you move along to total fat loss quicker than those who don’t.

On average, pilates will rate in as a medium calorie burning activity. It won’t burn as many calories as an intense interval training cardio workout and won’t burn as many calories total as a very intense weight lifting session would, but it’ll likely burn more calories than straight yoga or plain walking will.

If you follow a good diet as you use your pilates training so that you are creating that calorie deficit for fat loss, then you should have no problem seeing the results that you’re looking for.

Pilates And Your Muscle Mass Growth
The second thing that you’ll want to think about is the influence that pilates has on your level of muscle growth.

Since adding more lean muscle mass to your frame is one of the top ways to boost your overall metabolic rate so that you burn more calories each day, this must get considered.

Here again, pilates comes in as a moderate activity for accomplishing this. It’s not going to burn quite as much lean muscle mass as an intense weight lifting workout would, but at the same time, it will burn more muscle mass than a cardio workout will or one of the group aerobic classes you might attend would.

This also helps to make pilates a great exercise for reshaping the body, not just helping you lose weight. Remember that the end goal here is to create a totally new you, not just create a smaller version of your current self.

Pilates And Stress
Finally, the last nice benefit that pilates will offer in terms of weight loss results is that it can help to lower your overall level of stress. If you often find that you eat due to emotional reasons with most of these being stress related, pilates is definitely a good exercise to include in your workout program.

This form of exercise will also focus on plenty of deep breathing, which will help those who are suffering from high levels of stress.

So there you have some information to consider about pilates training. It can be an effective alternative to weight lifting if you wish to stay away from that form of exercise and still see fat loss results.

As a last tip – consider adding Phen375 supplement to your diet program. R.D.K holdings S.A

Saturday 4 August 2012

Eat Like An Athlete: Quick Tips You Can Follow

Whether you’re someone who is very intensely involved in your workout sessions or you’re someone who just wants to look like and athlete, learning to eat as an athlete eats can help get you there.

Athletes understand the important of following a good diet plan in terms of achieving their ideal body weight and as such, choose foods that will help not hinder their progress every day.

Because they have this higher level of motivation to perform optimally, most of them don’t have some of the motivational problems that other people suffer from when sticking to their diet plan. For you, you’ll to reach deep down inside yourself and summon that higher level of motivation so that you can stick with the program over time.

Let’s have a quick peak at some of the top things to keep in mind so that you can train like an athlete.

Eat For Fuel Not Emotion

The very first thing that athletes are doing that you should be sure to do yourself is to eat for fuel, not emotion. This means that you should never be eating purely for the sake of eating when you aren’t even hungry.

An athlete knows that their body is going to have variable hunger levels over time based on what they’re doing for their workouts and will adjust their diet accordingly. They don’t eat for any other reason than hunger or recovery so they don’t have to worry about weight gain nearly as much.

Know Your Activity Level

The second principle that athletes follow that you should make note of as well is that they understand their activity level and how this relates to their diet plan. They know that on days they are more active, they’re going to burn up a very high amount of calories.

On days they’re less active, their calorie burn just won’t be as high. Thus, they reduce their calorie intake accordingly.

They don’t try and push through intense workout sessions while starving themselves because they know that performance will suffer and they may lose lean muscle mass.

You need to do the same. Movement takes energy so you must supply this extra energy to your body.

Don’t Shun Carbs

Another must-do if you want to eat like an athlete is to avoid shunning carbs entirely. Athletes understand that carbohydrates are their body’s preferred source of fuel and as such, they feed themselves the carbs they need.

As a result of this, they don’t experience nearly the same degree of metabolic slow-down that others do while dieting, enhancing their body weight control.

You may not need as many carbs as an Olympic athlete does, but you do still need healthy carbs in the picture.

Get Enough Protein

Finally, the last thing that athletes are doing that you should focus on doing yourself is getting enough protein. Protein is going to be vital for repairing your muscles, increasing your metabolism, and helping you see the most optimal results total.

Add more protein to your diet and you’ll instantly notice a difference in how you feel on a day to day basis.

There you have some quick tips to help you eat like an athlete. Which are you missing out on?

R.D.K holdings S.A

Friday 13 July 2012

FULLfast hits the silver screen with a new celebrity face

Wigmore Medical Binky, star of the show, ‘Made in Chelsea’ Too often nowadays celebrities jump on the bandwagon to endorse products & brands half heartedly without the necessary commitment required. That’s why we are pleased to announce that FULLfast has been taken on by a celebrity to be part of her serious January detox programme. Binky from the show ‘Made in Chelsea’ has decided to involve FULLfast in her January detox programme alongside other expensive luxury beauty treatments. She’s finding it to be the perfect remedy for shedding those extra lbs and achieving her weight loss goals as the spray formula is giving her the needed assistance in the mental battle of dieting! “I’m really excited to be the new face of FULLfast. We’re all guilty of over-indulging during the Christmas period and so I’m looking forward to using FULLfast appetite-control spray to help control my hunger pangs throughout January! The spray makes me feel fuller for longer which reduces appetite and helps me shed those extra few pounds. I love the fact you can just pop it in your handbag so I can use it at home, at work or even in the gym!” To follow her continued progress for the next month log onto Twitter and follow Binky at!/BinkyFelstead

Monday 14 May 2012

4 Steps To Making Weight Loss Permanent

So you’ve put in the time and effort and have had great results to show for it. You’ve lost the excess weight that you were carrying around and now are the proud new owner of the body of your dreams.

You’re excited, you’re feeling good, and you’re ready to face life in this brand new body.
But, amongst all this, you might also feel a slight twinge of anxiety with regards to whether or not you’re going to be able to maintain this new body for the time to come.

Who’s to say that that weight isn’t going to come rushing back just as soon as you stop going about your diet and being a little more lenient in what you eat?
Fortunately, if you have a plan of attack, succeeding at weight maintenance can be a lot easier than you think.  Here are some smart things that you need to know.

Be Accountable
The very first thing that you must do to succeed at weight maintenance is to stay accountable.  Now that you’ve reached your ideal weight, don’t think that this means you can eat what you want, when you want.

You still do need to be accountable. If you take a little too many ‘treats’ here and there, it’s going to add up.
If you notice that your weight is creeping up in a direction you don’t want it to go, immediately take action so you bring it back down lower again.

The sooner you can get it under control, the less work you’ll have to do moving forward.

Continue To Strength Train
Moving on, the second thing that you must keep doing is strength training.  Strength training is the absolute most effective form of workout that will help keep the weight off over time.

Not only will it help you maintain a higher metabolic rate 24/7, but it also makes it easier to add carbs back into your diet.
Unless you plan to eat a carb-free diet for the years to come, this is very important for success.

Adapt A Flexible Mindset
Moving along, the next must-do for success is to make sure that you adopt a flexible frame of mind.  Don’t see yourself as a success or failure.  Rather, view this as life.

If you eat something you shouldn’t, you treated yourself.  Get right back on with a healthy eating program.
Remember that all the good habits you developed should now become a permanent lifestyle for yourself.  They shouldn’t be something that feels like torture or that you can’t keep up for some time to come.

If you did use improper dieting methods, it’s time to learn some wise techniques that will encourage health, high energy, and that you can sustain for life.
When you do, it’ll be easier to adopt the flexible mindset because you’ll naturally enjoy living a smarter lifestyle.

Make Fitness Fun
Finally, last but not least, start making fitness fun.  If you’ve spent months in the gym and aren’t especially fond of gym workouts, start investigating some other options that you could do that you would derive more pleasure from.

Exercise to maintain your weight does not need to be more intense than exercise to lose weight, so relax a bit and do what you enjoy.
So there you have a few of the top secrets for successful weight maintenance. Stay on top of yourself and you’ll have no problem living in and enjoying your dream body.

R.D.K holdings S.A

Monday 7 May 2012

Nothing To Lose But Weight!

Remember ... When You Order Three Bottles You Get One Free. Order Phen37 Right Now and You Have Nothing To Lose But Weight!

Weight loss of 3lbs-5lbs per week (on average) That's MORE than enough to notice a huge change, very quickly

Increased body fat burning ability. Ridding your body of fat you already have stored will turbo-charge your results.

Increased metabolism. Fast metabolism = less fat stored.

Suppressed appetite. Turn your biggest enemy into your biggest ally... by finally keeping your appetite under YOUR control.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Are Exercise Videos A Good Solution For Fat Loss?

After setting the goal to work on losing any excess body fat you currently have, the next step is taking the time to assess the various ways that you can help move fat loss along.
What are the best workouts to be completing? And, how often should you be doing them?
These are just a few of the questions that might come up as you start preparing yourself to get started. One type of workout that many people will think about doing is a video based workout. Following along with an exercise video right in the comfort of your own home can seem like the perfect way to get in shape.
It’s fast, convenient, and doesn’t require any expensive workout equipment. What more could you ask for?
But are these videos a really good solution for fat loss? Or are they just going to waste your time?
Let’s have a quick peak at what you should consider.

The Type Of Video You’re Using
The very first thing you need to take into account is the type of video you’re using. The video variety will make a big difference in the amount of weight loss progress you see as different home workouts will burn different calories.
A yoga video for example would be perfect for someone who is looking to experience relaxation benefits and who wants to improve their flexibility. In terms of calorie burn though, you could do better.
A fast paced kick-boxing style of workout on the other hand will have you rapidly burning up calories, thus seeing faster overall results as far as weight loss goes.
When trying to choose which video to use, look for one that’s going to get your heart rate up and keep it there while using all the main muscle groups in the body.
These are two elements that will qualify it to be a good calorie burning activity.

The Degree Of Weight Loss You Wish To Experience

The second thing that you need to think about is what overall rate of weight loss you want to experience.
The fastest rates of weight loss will be seen in those who follow a good diet plan and a proper strength training workout.
So if the video incorporates strength training into the mix, you can feel confident that it should help you move towards your end goal.
If the video doesn’t, then you’ll want to also take the time to perform some additional strength training on your own time.
This will help ensure that you’re getting the benefits of both worlds. Be careful when selecting your video for strength training however as many of the ones out there promote using very light weights, which isn’t what you want to be doing.
Remember, the more you challenge your body, the faster you’re going to see progress.

Your Level Of Fitness Knowledge
Finally, the last thing that you need to take into account is the level of fitness knowledge you have. If you’re performing an exercise video that calls for a number of advanced exercises that you’ve never done before, there’s a very good chance that you could begin using improper form.
This could then set you up for some serious injuries over the long term, so something that you definitely must work to avoid.
In that situation, an exercise video may not be the best option for weight loss and a session with a local personal trainer would be.

So there you have a few of the most important points to consider about weight loss videos. When used properly in the right situation, they can help encourage weight loss, but when used improperly, they may not deliver the results you were hoping for.

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Sunday 15 April 2012

Colon Cleansing and Losing Weight

Obesity or being overweight has become a severe health problem for many people in the all over the world. Everyone dislikes carrying extra weight but in addition to this, being overweight causes digestive problems and leads to many serious diseases such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, cancer and more. A lot of people question why they overweight asking if its hereditary or if its down to the metabolism. In the reality of today’s lifestyle, people have no time to do physical activity or exercise because they are too busy with other things at work and at home. Even though today’s society all seem to be overweight, we all still have that desire to be thin.

There is a new way to safely support healthy weight management which people are slowly turning to. Many People are turning to colon cleansing.

What is Colon Cleansing?
If your large intestine is clean and your digestive system is fully active then weight loss is easier to approach. Colon cleansing is the best method of cleaning your intestine and helping the digestive system to be always fully active. You can be surprised to know that this process can really help you to lose weight and fight obesity. There are a lot of positive reports from those who tried colon cleansing for weight loss and proved its effectiveness.

It seems to be the norm for people to consume many fatty and unhealthy foods whether it be takeaways or ready meals. This is not just down to being busy working etc but it is also as a result of how we have been brought up. It is therefore difficult to imagine how many unhealthy foods we have eaten from the moment of our birth however it is our diet and lifestyle that have caused us to be overweight. Not only may you be overweight or unfit but imagine the condition of your colon. A large enough amount of toxic waste from junk food that we absorb gets stuck to the walls of the bowel of our digestive system.

What are the benefits of Colon Cleaning?
Colon cleansing has a lot of health benefits, including weight loss and improved digestion. This is a very good method of body detoxification as it works efficiently to flush out all of the toxic waste by products from the bowel walls.

By having your colon cleansed you’re making the proactive steps in helping it is work to its full potential again. You will also feel better, healthier and more energised.

It is hard to define precisely the average quantity of weight that you can lose after the colon cleansing procedure as the procedure can effect everyone differently. Many people do however lose a considerable quantity of weight after each treatment.

Weight loss is not all about dieting, exercise, swimming or running. It is necessary to look at how healthy you and your body are. If your body is not working to its fully potential then it does not matter how hard you work at your diet or exercising you are never going to fully achieve your goal. By having your colon cleansed you are ensuring that your body is working to its fullest giving you the greatest possible results from any diet you may subsequently try meaning you will also get results quicker and with less effort. It has to be worth a try in that case!

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday 13 April 2012

Want to Reduce Fat Storage?

New to the Market Place Blog, take a look for yourself.

SmithMeyersLaboratories Pte Ltd

5 Easy Exercises To Target The Tummy

If you're looking to start up a workout program to slim the tummy and get rid of your love handles, performing the right exercises will be key. By fully challenging all the muscles surrounding the core region, you can see better fat burning benefits and really get that toned look that you're going for.

Unfortunately though, many women spend far too much time on exercises that won't deliver, which is why it's definitely worth your time and effort to learn those that will. By including the following five exercises in your program more often, you will see much faster progress.
Let's have a look at the main ones to consider.

The Plank
The very first exercise to include is the plank. The plank should always be a standby in your ab workout because not only is it going to work the abs, but it'll also work all the muscles lining the back as well.

To perform it simply place the forearms on the floor underneath the body with the legs stretched out behind you, balancing on your toes. When in this position keep your body as flat as possible so you resemble that of a table top.

Hold this for 30-60 seconds, or until you can no longer maintain proper form.

Crunches On An Exercise Ball
Next up on our list of exercises to target your tummy are crunches on an exercise ball. These are fantastic for calling the muscle fibers deep within the core into play. Due to the reduced base of support underneath you, you're going to have to work that much harder to maintain balance.
Try and perform a set of 12 reps at a time before taking a rest and continuing on.

Lying Leg Raises
Third, leg raises are the next exercise to include. These are fantastic for working the lower abdominal muscles, which tends to be problematic for most women.

To perform them, lie flat on the ground and then slowly lift the legs up off the floor and bring them to ninety degrees. Pause for a second and then lower so they're just about touching the floor again.

Don't let them come completely down however as this will really reduce the tension on the abs and the goal is to keep them in a constantly contracted state.

The Bicycle
The bicycle is another excellent tummy exercise that will firm those love handles quickly. To perform this one lift the legs slightly above the ground while you bring one knee into the chest. While doing so, simultaneously twist the body so the opposite side comes to meet that knee and then reverse directions for the next rep.

Perform ten reps for each side in a row and then relax again before doing a second set.

Accordion Sit-Ups
Finally, the last tummy toner you should be doing is the accordion sit-up. These are very simple and straightforward. First, get into a flat lying position on the floor.

From there, bring the upper body up while you bring the knees up to meet it at the same time. In essence, it should look like you're an accordion as you do this movement.

Pause at the top and then lower back down again.

So there you have the top tummy toners that will quickly firm up your stomach and help you see faster results. If you can combine all of these three times a week with a good appetite suppressant to help you maintain your lower calorie diet, it won't be long before you have your own set of toned abs.


Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Dieting Over 50:Is there a difference?

If you’re someone who’s beyond the age of 50 who is looking to lose some body fat, you might start to wonder if there should be a difference in the approach you use versus the approach of someone who is younger. After all, your body is different now than when you were in your twenties, so it only stands to reason that you may need to use a different type of diet. So what differences should someone over 50 take note of? What alternations will best help you see success?

Let’s go over the main things that you should know so that you can get right on track to progress.

Alterations To Your Calorie Intake
The very first thing that you will likely want to do is use a slightly lower calorie intake at this point in your life. Now, there is the common saying that the metabolism naturally slows with age.
While this is true, it’s not for the reason many people believe. The primary reason why your metabolism willdecrease as you get older is because you’re losing lean muscle tissue. If you’re someone who has been active for the last 20 years, then you likely don’t need to use a reduced calorie intake as you will have more lean muscle tissue.

If you haven’t been exercising though, then a slightly lower calorie diet is in order. Try starting at around 10 or 11 calories per pound of body weight. At this point in your life you may not be
quite as physically active overall either as you were when you were younger, so that will also factor into your total daily calorie burn.

Accounting For Nutritional Deficiencies
Another adjustment that you should make is accounting for nutritional deficiencies. Those who are older will want to really make sure that they are taking in enough calcium, iron, and B vitamins. This will help ensure that they maintain strong bones and high energy levels. In addition to that, make sure that you’re taking in a very high quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables daily on whatever diet you choose as these will help to protect against some of the common diseases that can develop as the years go on.

Adding Extra Protein
Finally, the last thing that you should adjust on your diet protocol is your protein intake. Many older individuals are not getting enough protein total, so it’s important that you bump up your intake. Additionally, since you aren’t quite as active as you were when you were younger, having more protein in the diet will help to further safeguard against lean muscle tissue loss, so will help to keepyour metabolism higher long term. Remember to add plenty of low fat dairy sources of protein in particular such as Greek yogurt, skim milk, and low-fat cottage cheese as these are both high in protein and high in calcium, so will really help you along your way.
So there you have everything that you need to know about dieting past 50. While the
general approach should still be quite similar, making these few additional changes would be well worth your while.


Monday 9 April 2012

Quick Late Night Snacks That Fight Fat

As you go about your diet plan, one thing that you may find yourself struggling with from time to time is late night snacking. You're at home, bored, often alone, and there really isn't much to do. Except snack, that is.

But, if you want to see successful weight loss on your diet plan, you must find a way to either overcome this late night snacking habit, or choose wisely so that it doesn't cause an offset to your progress.

The important thing that you should remember is the fact that you can have a late night snack as long as the calories are accounted for. If, on the other hand that late night snack causes you to overconsume over and above your desired calorie intake for the day, then it's definitely not going to move you along the road to progress.

The following late night snacks will help you see results because not only are they lower in calories, but they're loaded in nutrients that will help to calm your hunger so that you feel satisfied after eating them and don't go reaching for more.
Here are some quick ideas to get you started.

Yogurt With Flaxseeds
The first late night snack to consider is yogurt with some flaxseeds added in. This snack is great because it's going to give you a nice blend of proteins, carbohydrates, along with healthy dietary fats that will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable into the overnight fasting period.

Aim for half a cup of yogurt along with 2 tbsp of flaxseeds and you'll only be taking in around 200 calories with this snack.

Cottage Cheese With Peanut Butter
Next up on our list of snacks for the late-night period is cottage cheese along with natural peanut butter. Cottage cheese is a quality source of casein protein, which means it will digest for hours in the body, delivering a steady stream of amino acids to your muscle tissues.
For those who are doing hard workouts daily, this is important for good muscle building and repair.

The peanut butter that you have along with the cottage cheese will help to slow the digestion even further, so you won't wake up hungry.

Egg Scramble
If you're looking for a quick late night snack that's light on the body, try and egg white scramble. Scramble up some egg whites along with a little bit of low fat cheese and then top with salsa for added flavor.
This snack will only come in around 150-200 calories and will be filled with quality protein that your muscles need.

PB Celery Sticks
Finally, the last great snack to consider when getting ready to turn in for the evening is some celery sticks smeared with peanut butter. Peanut butter is a rich source of healthy fats as well as protein and the celery hardly contains any calories at all.
This late-night snack should only come in at around 150 calories as well, so it's easily added to any diet plan.

So there you have some of the best late-night snacks that you should consider adding to your diet program. If you are really struggling with late night hunger to a large extent, then you should also consider a good appetite suppressant such as Phen 375, which will help you control this hunger so that you can stick with your diet plan and late night snacking doesn't derail your progress.
