
Thursday 25 September 2014

Raspberry Ketone Plus: The Advanced Diet Supplement For Fat Burning

RASPBERRY KETONE supplements for fat burning are the hottest weight loss solution of the moment. Dr Oz recently recommended Raspberry Ketone supplements on his show as a ‘miracle fat burner in a bottle’ and eager slimmers have been desperate to get hold of this incredible supplement.

If you’re looking for a healthy, safe, natural product to help you lose weight, then look no further than Raspberry Ketones. However, not all Raspberry Ketone supplements are the same. To get the most benefits from Raspberry Ketones, no more than 100-200mg of Raspberry Ketone should be consumed daily, as recommended by fitness expert Lisa Lynn. That’s the recommended 200mg per day – 1 pill with breakfast, and another with lunch. There are no known side effects and the FDA regard Raspberry Ketones as safe, so naturally people are eager to try it for themselves. Most of the Raspberry Ketone supplements available in stores at the moment contain an undisclosed amount of the active ingredient, or simply contain far more than the recommended daily dosage.

Raspberry Ketone Plus+ is currently the leading Raspberry Ketone supplement on the market and was featured on Fox News Charlotte back in March where stores had sold out of the product. To avoid the queues and get hold of it fast, thousands of customers have successfully ordered the product online from the official Raspberry Ketone Plus website, Evolution Slimming, which is in stock and ships immediately. If you’re looking to try a Raspberry Ketone supplement, then ordering it direct from the manufacturer online is definitely recommended.

You’ll notice that the capsules are bright white in colour as Raspberry Ketone is naturally a white powdery substance. What will also surprize you is the smell of the pills and bottle; a noticeably potent, fruity scent indicating the strength of the supplement. Raspberry Ketones are the part of the red raspberry which gives the fruit its potent smell, so the supplement should have a noticeably fruit smell. Any ketone supplement claiming to be high quality that isn’t white or smells fruity should be avoided.

Raspberry Ketone Plus+ has been available on the market for a number of years, shipping to over 71 countries, but only recently has it started to gain a huge following after Dr Oz’s recommendation of Raspberry Ketones. The great thing about this specialized formulation is that whilst it contains the recommended 100mg of pure Raspberry Ketone per pill it also contains other high profile fat fighting ingredients. Acai berry, African Mango, Resveratrol and Kelp are all present - said to help regulate and improve the metabolism so whilst you’re helping to burn the fat; your body’s metabolism can be improved to further increase the weight loss results.

Feedback on independent review websites claim the product starts to work within days depending on the individual and many people are reordering in large numbers to keep their supplies at home in case the product sells out. Website reviews of the products effectiveness have even seen some people losing 4lbs in the first 4 days. Of course everyone’s results are likely to vary, but this is a great indication of how the Raspberry Ketone Plus could work for you.

If you’re in the market to stock up on a high quality Raspberry Ketone product then Raspberry Ketone Plus is definitely a tried and tested recommendation. In our experience, shipping only takes a few days, so save yourself the time and effort by ordering online.
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday 6 September 2014

Smart School Lunch Options For Energized Kids

Preparing a lunch meal for your kids to take as they head off to school each day is one of the best things that you can do to not only make sure that they sustain high enough energy levels for the afternoon period, but to also reduce the chances that they pick up high-fat, high-calorie cafeteria food.
While there’s no saying for sure whether your kids will actually follow through and eat those lunches you send with them, at least if they are prepared, they have the option.
Let’s take a quick look at some smart school lunch options that you can prepare in just minutes so that you can still keep up with your busy schedule and get out of the door as fast as possible.
Salmon Salad Sandwiches
The first great option for your kids is salmon salad. Many kids won’t eat salmon when cooked on the grill, but canned salmon they’ll eat fine. Mix together some canned salmon with some low-fat mayonnaise and place it over whole grain bread.
Serve with lettuce, onion, and tomato – or whatever vegetables they desire.
Egg Salad Pitas
Next, egg salad pitas are also a great choice. Eggs are a high source of protein and as long as you’re only giving them one yolk on occasion, the cholesterol won’t be a concern.
Again, mix this with some low-fat mayonnaise rather than the high fat variety and place it in a whole wheat pita.
Fill the pita with some spinach leaves, sliced peppers, and mushrooms to help get their veggie intake higher.
Mini Pizzas
Mini pizzas are the next great lunch meal to consider. To prepare mini pizzas, simply smear an English muffin with some low sodium tomato sauce and then place over top some chicken deli meat. Add some sliced mushrooms, onions, and peppers, and then lay some low-fat mozzarella cheese on top.
Place under the broiler until cheese melts and then place in a Tupperware container. While they won’t be warm, they’ll still definitely provide the classic pizza taste.
Vegetables, Crackers, And Dip
Finally, if you really need something fast on the go, consider some raw veggies with whole grain crackers and a protein packed dip.
Combine together some Greek yogurt with low-fat sour cream and some dip seasoning mix and then place in a small container to serve with the veggies and crackers.
This will provide them with protein, fiber, and complex carbs, so will be sure to keep them energized for the afternoon ahead.
Toss in some fruit for a few more calories and a packet of peanut butter for healthy fats to eat with the fruit and they’ll be all set.

So next time your kid is heading off to school, make sure they have a healthy lunch in hand. If you’re stuck for ideas on what to prepare them, consider any of these terrific options. 

R.D.K holdings S.A

Saturday 30 August 2014

The Benefits of HGH - Human Growth Hormone Supplements

 What are the Benefits of Growth Hormone Products?

It is wise to look at all of the benefits of an HGH pill before you take the first one. Human growth hormones are intrinsic to the human population, as they occur naturally through the pituitary gland. As you age, your body stops producing the hormones at the same levels. There are many different advantages to using HGH pills, and scientific studies have shown that no real negative side effects or results were reported.
Growth hormone pills like HGF MAX promote healing and muscle regeneration. Your body can take months to heal after a serious injury or surgery. You can decrease this time by adding more human growth hormones to your daily intake. These will boost your body's ability to create new material, which can then be used to replace and heal the material that was damaged. Even if you do not see any impact as far as overall muscle mass, you will note that healing times can be shortened and that you will feel stronger as you heal.

An HGH pill can also help with muscle mass. If you are having trouble bulking up and putting on weight or feel like your muscles do not increase in size even if you are in the gym every day, the issue may be that your body is not producing enough HGH on its own. This could be because of a decrease over time, or it could be due to internal developmental issues. Many children who do not get the right levels of hormones do not grow quickly, and they have to take HGH so that they develop in the correct fashion. Even after you are grown up, you can take it to deal with this natural deficiency, and it can help your body mass to increase while you exercise.

As you can see, there are many upsides to taking HGH Supplement Pills. Giving your body the hormones that it had can really make you feel younger again. An HGH pill can help you recover from injuries, build up muscle mass, and see an increase in your libido. Make sure that you take the pills as directed to see these results.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Dealing with childhood obesity

Do you know that more than 17% American children and adolescents suffer from childhood obesity? In fact, the problem of obesity or abnormally high weight is continuously rising among children. This has resulted in a growing concern for both health care providers and the parents. What is even more alarming is that not many people are fully aware of the consequences of this problem. The complications which may arise due to uncontrolled obesity include diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, arthritis, and reduced mobility and life expectancy.

For the same reason, it is vital for the parents to address the issue as early as possible as, after all, prevention is better than cure. Read on to discover some simple, easy and cost-effective measures to deal with the condition.

So, what makes your kid fat?
Your child’s body gets the energy it needs from the food he / she eats (Input). This energy is used to perform physical activity (Output). The unused energy is stored in the body is stored as fat. Therefore if, for some reason, this input is more than the output, it will cause your kid to become fat or obese.

What are the risk factors?
Some common factors that may cause your child to become overweight or obese include:
Food preferences: Foods rich in fat and sugar
Lack of physical activity: Sedentary lifestyle
Family history: If parents are obese, children have more chances of being over weight

What you can do?
Remember, being closer than anyone, parents have the main influence on the diet and life style pattern of their children. Therefore, simple measures and easy tactics in the home can have a significant impact on reducing your child’s overweight or obesity. It is always better to address the problem as early as possible as most overweight children become overweight adults as well.

Following recommended measures are of utmost importance in managing the overweight or obesity of your child.

Enhancement in physical activity
TV viewing should be limited to no more than 2 hours per day, discourage TV in kid’s room.
Plan and execute activities that kids and family view as fun. Walking the dog is great daily exercise that also teaches children about having the extra responsibility of something in their care.

Develop plan for increasing activities, such as family outings to parks. Alternatively, you can suggest indoor activities such as dancing or jumping rope. Children also love to play games like skipping, hide and seek, hopscotch and tag.
Suggest gifts/rewards that promote physical activity, such as active games, music CDs, or DVDs. With a little incentive you could get the kids doing chores like sweeping the yard, cleaning the family car or even weeding the garden.

It is, however, important to remember that when you child is involved in long exercises; they should include a gradual warming up and cooling down periods. Examples of warming up exercises are brisk walking or jogging on the spot. Similarly, when cooling down, stretching exercises help to restore the muscles resting length.

Improvement in eating habits
You should choose a balanced diet for your child, essentially representing the major food groups of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. It should also include dairy products, fish, meat and poultry.
Look for unhealthy dietary habits. Limit fast foods or providing lower fat alternatives, eliminating soft drinks or switching to low calorie drinks, changing to 2% or skimmed milk, substituting low-calorie, high-fiber snacks (low-fat popcorn, fruits, or vegetables) for the high calorie ones.
Never let your kid skip his / her breakfast.  However, you should limit your kid’s daily food consumption to frequent small meals instead of a fewer large meals. A difference of three hours between two meals is mostly recommended, constructing 4 to 5 small meals each day.

In short, if managed early and properly, childhood obesity can be successfully controlled. Necessary measures, if taken early by the parents, can change the outcome for obese children or even prevent it happening in the first place. However, such change should be gradual and parents must plan for small, single changes at a time.

Proactol LTD

Creating An Extreme Weight Loss Diet Plan

Looking for extreme weight loss success? Have a deadline to reach for your weight loss goals?
Whatever the case, if you are in a hurry to shed the excess weight you’re carrying around, chances are you’re on the hunt for one of the ultra low calorie diets out there. In fact, as much as you hate to admit it, you may have even typed in ‘Crash Diet’ in the Google search bar.
You aren’t messing around here – you need that weight gone yesterday!
But, before you run off on a poorly designed extreme weight loss diet plan, it’s worthwhile to take a bit of time to educate yourself on how to do this correctly. While you should never use an extreme weight loss diet plan for the long haul (as they will cause harm regardless if carried out for extended periods of time), over the short term, if done right, they can be safe to use.
Let’s go over the main points that you must know if you’re going to be creating an extreme weight loss diet plan for yourself.
Focus On Protein
The first component to get in place on any extreme weight loss diet plan is protein. Protein is what will make sure that you aren’t burning up lean muscle mass as you go about the diet plan, so what will keep your metabolism running on high over the long term.
If you start to lose lean muscle mass, which is quite common on extreme weight loss plans, you’re headed for long-term trouble.
You do not want to miss this point. Each and every meal and snack that you consume should have protein laid out as its base.
Get Your Greens
Second, make sure that you get your greens in.  Eating enough vegetables on a fat loss diet plan is going to be incredibly important because these are the foods that are going to provide the most nourishment overall to the body and help to also keep you regular due to their fiber content.
Plus, they’re also incredibly low in calories. So for any dieter on an intense diet program, that’s really a win-win scenario.
Eating more greens throughout this diet is only going to make your life that much easier.
Drink More Water
Next up, make sure that you stay well hydrated. Very low calorie diet plans do tend to have dehydrating effects on the body, so to avoid this from happening to you, make sure that you are staying as well hydrated as possible.
Aim for 8-10 glasses of clear fluid each and every day – more if needed.
Keep A Calendar
Finally, last but not least, make sure that you keep a calendar of your time on the diet. Track how long it has been since you started and at two weeks, come off that diet. Doing it any longer than this period of time is only going to set you up to fail.

So there you have the main points to know about extreme weight loss diets. Do these wisely and you will see fast results and meet your weight loss deadline. 

R.D.K holdings S.A

The 4 Diet Myths

The most common misconceptions when dieting is to think we need to eat exclusive food groups in order to lose weight. All this really does is deprive us from the essential vitamins and minerals our body need to function. Everyone wants a strong, fit and healthy body and this is only achieved from a well -rounded, well balanced diet.  Here we expel a few common myths when it comes to losing weight.

Myth 1:
We should only eat certain food groups.
Wrong. Many diets, crash diets in particular will advise cutting out particular food groups or only eating food from one food group. Our bodies cannot run on one kind type of food, we need a well- balanced, varied diet in order to stay healthy. We need a bit of fat, a bit of protein, vegetables, plenty of water, some carbohydrates and fibre. Even some of the so-called ‘bad’ foods our body will require some of those, if only in moderation but nothing should be cut out completely.  Fruits, grains, nuts and seeds are also essential for a strong immune system which will ward of illness and keep you healthy.

Myth 2:
You can only get protein from meat.
This is not true. Fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, legumes and oils all contain protein. Meat is actually high in fat and sodium, particularly red meats which if eaten excessively is not good for cholesterol levels. While it does contain protein; not as much as originally thought. Grains, oils, legumes and nuts actually contain more. Our body needs about 30 grams of protein a day so as you can see, you do not have to eat nothing but meat to get your daily quota.

Myth 3:
To lose weight, cut out the fat.
Our bodies actually need some fat to function properly; it allows the muscles and joints to work smoothly.  What you need to steer clear of are hydrogenated fats, good nutritious health giving fats consist of avocados, olive oil and raw nuts.

Myth 4:
You have to go without to lose weight.

Women on average should not consume any fewer calories than 1,200 a day and men generally should eat no less than 1,800 calories a day. Instead of snacking on high fat, high sugar foods, if you literally ate as much fruit and vegetables as you could manage, you would not only be satisfied and not hungry but it will have no bearing on your weight. The best way to lose weight is to eat foods as naturally as you can, with no added sugar or preservatives and cut out the unnecessary fats and simply eat what your body requires and no more, you will lose weight, stay healthy and live longer.

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Monday 26 May 2014

What Are Raspberry Ketones?

With its unique fat burning potential only coming to light fairly recently, with TV’s favourite Health specialist Dr Oz bringing the hidden powers of raspberry ketones to the general public’s attention, raspberry ketones are the weight loss world’s best kept secret.
Raspberry ketone is a naturally-occurring phenolic compound that gives raspberries their distinctive smell and makes them so delicious and enjoyable to eat. Additional uses for raspberry ketone have been to add fragrance or flavour to certain cosmetics and perfumes but the most exciting discovery of all has been that the ketone compound raised the levels of adiponectin in the body.
Adiponectin is a protein hormone that is directly responsible for controlling the metabolism, regulation of glucose, helps to lower blood pressure and lower levels of body fat. For example, an individual with higher levels of adiponectin will be slimmer than those with lower levels of Adiponectin - a fact confirmed in clinical trials. Aside from helping to control obesity, it can also reduce the risk of certain health conditions that include; fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis.
How Do Raspberry Ketones Work?
Raspberry ketone has powerful fat burning capabilities. It forces the body to release more of the ‘stress’ hormone known as norepinephrine, this hormone stimulates the nervous system and blood supply which in turn kick starts the metabolism to speed the body’s natural fat burning processes. Raspberry ketone decreases the rate in which carbohydrates are taken in, boosting the fat burning process helping you to break down fat deposits, enabling you to lose weight more effectively and naturally.
For this reason it’s easy to see why raspberry ketones are now becoming a weight loss essential.
How Long Does It Take To See Weight Loss Results From Raspberry Ketone
The recommended safe daily amount for Raspberry Ketone supplements is 200mg. Depending on the supplement itself, many users of raspberry ketone begin to see weight loss results within a couple of weeks. 

Additional Raspberry Ketone Benefits

Increased Immune System
Raspberry Ketone increases the production of B and T cells (white blood cells) which helps to bolster the immune system helping to prevent illness.
Protects Against Free Radicals
Raspberry Ketones are rich with potent antioxidants that help to protect the body cells from harmful free radicals in the environment and its effects. This can also help to slow down the ageing process.
Alleviate Inflammation
Raspberry ketones can naturally ease and prevent muscular and rheumatic pain as they possess the same anti-inflammatory effects as drugs such as NSAID’s (e.g. aspirin) by lowering certain enzymes in the body that causes discomfort and pain with arthritic and other related conditions.
Helps To Replace Essential Fatty Acids

Raspberry ketones, when consumed regularly can help to replace essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 fatty acids in the body. Omega-3 is vital for healthy levels of growth hormones and helps to maintain a fully functioning and healthy brain.
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Sunday 25 May 2014

5 Advantages of Meal Replacement Shakes

Meal replacement shakes have been a dieting option for many years, and more and more of us are now using them.  But what are the advantages of meal replacement shakes?  Can they really help you stick to a diet and lose weight?

Let's have a look at some of the reasons why these shakes could be a great option for your weight loss.

1.      Convenience

            One of the most useful things about meal replacement shakes is that they are             just so convenient and easy. 

            Fitting your diet into and around your lifestyle can be one of the biggest                         challenges of sticking to your diet.  It can start off fun, but after a week or two             you're tired of how trying to lose weight seems to be consuming  your whole                 life!

           Firstly there is the planning – thinking up exactly what you're going to eat                      and when.  Then there's finding recipes and making a shopping list of all the                  healthy ingredients you need to buy.  Next the regular trips to the shop to                      purchase all these ingredients (not forgetting the cost!), and another trip to                pick up the bits you forgot. 

          Finally you spend hours in the kitchen preparing  fruit and vegetables, cooking             healthy dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  All this effort and it only takes                you 5 minutes to eat it!

         Weight loss shakes can make all this so much easier – you just replace 2 of    your          daily meals with one of the shakes.  All you do is add a scoop of  powder to a                glass of milk and mix it.  Then it's ready to drink.  Simple!  And you can take back         all that planning, shopping and preparation time to do things you enjoy.

2.      Measured Calories
       Another big challenge with dieting is keeping track of how many calories we     eat.  We all understand that to lose weight you need to burn more calories  than you consume from food and drink.  But keeping track of everything you eat and knowing how many calories it contains can be difficult, tiresome        and time consuming.

         This is another benefit of meal replacement shakes – you know exactly how                   many calories you're consuming.  You're told on the package how much                      powder to use and how much milk, and how many calories that will contain.                No calories counting needed!

          EvoShake from Evolution Slimming contains just 222 calories per serving.  So             have a shake for your breakfast and a shake for your lunch, and that's just                    over a 3rd of your daily recommended calories for dieting.  You can have 2                    small healthy snacks (a piece of fruit  or veg and houmous) and a proper                       dinner (lean meat or fish and vegetables is perfect).

3.                  A delicious, sweet, creamy treat

When you're dieting do you often find yourself getting fed up of salads and diet food and craving something sweet?  Would you do anything for some chocolate?  Or icecream?  And all those other things you know you shouldn't have?

Weight loss shakes can be that treat!  And you get to enjoy them twice a day.  Having a meal replacement shake is like having a thick milkshake, delicious and creamy to help satisfy those cravings you have.  And they come in a choice of flavours to keep things interesting.

The EvoShake has been trialled and taste tested to be the most delicious meal replacement shake you've tried.  And it comes in 3 flavours; Chocolate Delight, Delicious Vanilla and Strawberry Sensation.

4.                  No starving!

Meal replacement shakes are low calorie, but importantly are designed to keep you feeling full. 

A key ingredient of weight loss shakes is whey protein, and add to that the fact you're mixing it with milk, that's a good serving of protein. 

Protein is well known for keeping you feeling full longer, because it takes longer to digest than carbs.  And because of this you also don't get that after-dinner sugar rush and slump.

Plus because the shakes are calorie controlled, you can fit in a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon and not feel guilty!

5.                  Provide you with Nutrients

A final advantage of a good meal replacement shake is that it can help provide you with the nutrients you need.  And you can keep track of this much easier than trying to figure out what nutrients are in your meals.  Just check out the rear of the package to see exactly what vitamins and minerals you're getting.

The EvoShake has added nutrients to help make sure that you stay healthy while you're dieting.  All flavours have added A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3 AND E vitamins.  In fact just from your 2 meal replacement shakes you're getting at least 72% of your daily recommended amount of these vitamins (and some of them 100%).  That's got to be good news!

And there is one final benefit of meal replacement shakes.... they do help you lose weight!

Experts for the European Commission have looked into meal replacement shakes, and are happy that replacing 2 meals per day with a shake as part of a calorie controlled diet does help achieve weight loss.

So for an easy, tasty, nutritious way to lose weight choose EvoShake meal replacement shakes from Evolution Slimming.
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday 24 May 2014

How to use meal replacement shakes

Meal replacement or weight loss shakes are really easy to use as part of your diet.  As the name suggests you simply replace your normal meals with a meal replacement shake.  Studies have shown that when you combine this with a healthy, calorie controlled diet it can help you achieve your weight goals.

Most commonly people use meal replacement shakes to help them lose weight.  In this instance you want to replace 2 of your daily meals with a shake.  You might choose breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner, depending on what works best for you and fits in with your lifestyle.

Meal replacement shakes can also be used once you've achieved your target weight in order to help you maintain your weight and your new found body shape.  Instead of replacing 2 of your daily meals, you only need to replace 1 meal each day with a shake in order to help you maintain your weight.

Here's what a typical day could look like using a meal replacement shake for weight loss:

Chocolate meal replacement shake
Cup of blueberries
Strawberry meal replacement shake
Carrot batons and low fat houmous
Chicken breast, with stir fried vegetables and small portion of fresh egg noodles

Banana meal replacement shake
Small apple cut into wedges with a couple of cubes of cheese
Jacket potato with tuna fish, low fat mayo and mixed leaves
Home-made kale crisps
Chocolate meal replacement shake

It's a good idea to make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.  This will keep you hydrated and flush out any toxins in your body.  It will also help to suppress your appetite and stop you feeling tempted to add extra snacks into your diet.  If you get bored of just drinking water, green tea with mint or low calorie fruit teas are another excellent choice.

One of the best things about meal replacement shakes is how easy and convenient they are.  All you need to do is add one scoop of your chosen flavour to 200ml of cold semi-skimmed milk.  Give it a good shake to mix it up and your meal is ready!

Find out about our recommended meal replacement shake here - plus get a free 7 day diet plan to give you loads more meal and snack ideas.  (on the Evolution Slimming website)

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday 23 May 2014

What Type Of Cardio Is Best For Fat Loss?

Cardiovascular exercise will help you lose fat from your body. You must perform cardiovascular exercise regularly to get better results, and you can even do other activities, such as playing with your children, home improvement, gardening, daily house work and gym. The main thing is that you must stick to your workout plan so as to get rid of your belly fat.

Here are some of the best aerobics exercises or cardio for fat loss:
Running is the best way to lose excess fat, as it involves all the lower parts of your body, including soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, hamstrings, hip flexers and quadriceps. It helps burn a large number of calories and liquidates your body fat. Further, it also helps improve your athletic performance and fitness.
Rowing on a machine is the best cardio exercise as it involves all the major muscles of your body. It has a higher compared to any other cardio exercise. It burns around 840 calories per hour.
Jumping Rope or skipping provides a good aerobic workout. Skipping involves a great amount of focus, patience, skill and strength.
Walking burns 350 to 400 calories per hour which is much less than running and skipping. However it is a low intensity exercise that is suitable for all.
It is generally said that 15 minutes of cycling is equal to 45 minutes of walking. Therefore cycling has more intensity than walking. It liquidates 600 calories per hour. For body builders, cycling proves to be a boon as it involves all the body parts.
Swimming is as effective as cycling and burns the same amount of calories as cycling. It provides a total body workout. It improves athletic performance and fitness.
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is one of the newer and more effective ways to burn body fat. With this technique, you can burn more calories in less gym time. It suppresses your insulin levels and raises the metabolic rate.

Things to Remember:
These are the different types of cardio exercises to fat. But, keep in mind that while adopting these techniques, you have to follow certain guidelines which are as follows:
Ø  The intensity of these exercises should be gradually increased to prevent injury types of exercises should be taken slowly. They should not be started abruptly.
Ø  Do the exercise according to your capacity.
Ø  Drink water before doing exercise.
Ø  Do not consume food immediately before doing exercise.

Ø  Ensure you have a nutritious, balaced diets while you are training
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday 2 May 2014

Can You Trust A Weight Loss Chart?

As you go about your weight loss program plan, one thing that you’ll want to consider is whether a weight loss chart is really the best way to measure how you’re doing with your program. Many people use weight loss charts as they assess their progress and how they’re doing, and it can really control their emotions.
If they see that they are now in the ‘normal weight’ range, they get very excited –thinking they’re doing everything perfectly. If they’re in the overweight category however, frustration will be apparent and they may give up entirely, thinking they’ll just stay overweight permanently. But there are some very negative things that can come about because of using a weight loss chart. Let’s take a look at what these are so that you can form a complete picture in your mind on how they may be throwing you off.

They Encourage Fast Weight Loss
The first problem with weight loss charts is that they can encourage you to go to extremes with your diet plan if you’re going to aim to see as fast of fat loss as possible.
Basically, if you see that you’re in the overweight category and have 15 pounds to lose to get to normal weight, that gives you a firm amount of weight to shed and you may think the faster you can do this, the better. You definitely do not want to be classified as ‘overweight’.
But remember, fast weight loss doesn’t always mean safe or healthy weight loss. When you lose the weight too quickly, very often it’ll come back on just as fast as it left.
A slow and steady approach is a far better way.

They Don’t Factor Muscle In
The second reason why a weight loss chart isn’t going to be ideal is because they don’t factor in muscle tissue.If you’ve been building a high amount of muscle through intense workout sessions or are just naturally muscular as you’ve been athletic your entire life, the weight loss chart will not account for this.
In fact, it may place you as overweight even though you actually have very little body fat on your body.
For these people, it’s just not going to work for them and won’t be a good idea to use.  If you feel like you have a high percentage of muscle on your body and that is why you’re so heavy, a far better plan would be to have a body fat test taken instead. That is really going to tell you the complete picture of what’s going on there.

They May Not Be Right For Teens
Finally, last but not least, if you’re a teen or a parent of a teen who is using the chart for them, realize that teens do grow at different rates and it can take a bit of time for their body weight to normalize to the weight they will naturally be at as an adult.
For this reason, avoid using the weight loss charts for teens. If your teen or you are slightly heavy, be patient. Let your body finish its growth process and then you can focus on dieting if need be.
Instead, concentrate on eating right at this time and being active. That will be the far better approach.

So there you have the top points that you must think about as you go about your diet and consider your method of assessments. Overall, weight loss charts typically are not the best approach to be using. 
Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday 5 April 2014

Energy Boosting Tips

Many people when think that there energy level is decreasing then the hurriedly take a cup of coffee or some kind of energy drinks. They think that these kinds of things are sufficient for generating the great energy in their body. If you come to know that your energy level is very low then you will surely like to do something efficient in this regard. There are many people who are always looking for the most effective energy boosting tips but such people are not required to get worried anymore because they can enjoy the ultimate energy by using some natural energy boosters. These are much effective than a cup of coffee or some energy drinks.
The first thing that works like a fantastic energy booster is having a glass full of water at the start of your day. It will keep your fresh all the day and will increase your metabolism level. It is ideal for removing the toxins and all the unwanted poisons. Then you must stretch your body because it can greatly relax your muscles and can change them in an active condition. Stretching your body will give you a great boosting energy. These energy boosting tips are very fruitful for the purpose of attaining extra energy. Tulsi tea is idea for awakening and preparing you for the day. It is found in the India and is considered as queen of all the herbs.  This kind of tea cup can prepare you for physical, emotional, mental, environmental changes. It will create a great confidence in you that will help you in working with a winning spirit.

Ginseng is also like the Tulsi and provides you a great stamina and self confidence. It can easily reduce your stress; can improve energy, immune system and memory. If you want to enjoy a great lifestyle full of activities then you should not neglect these important energy boosting tips because by following these energy boosting tips, you can easily attain the high energy sufficient for your bright and active day. Another important herb that is famous for getting the extreme energy is Gotu Kola. It lessens fatigue and sadness due to its high nutrients and natural power. There are many people who start their day by using this kind of herbs. This particular herb is used for energizing central nervous system. Such people don’t get tired due to consistent work. It is very important to be energetic for all kinds of activities because this will give you complete satisfaction regarding your good health. I will advise you not to adopt some inefficient and time wasting methods for boosting up your energy.

There are numerous physical activities like jumping; cycling and walking can help you in the best way to boost up your energy level. These kinds of physical activities give your body a great energy by circulating the blood in the complete body structure. There are many people who are not aware of these energy boosting tips and that’s why then cannot take benefits of this kind of useful tips. 

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Sunday 30 March 2014

Getting ready for the summer….

On the run up to summer many of us are already thinking about getting into that bikini, or if not that adventurous, that little summer dress.  But if you are like many, you are already dreading a diet of restrictive foods. 

Some of us would immediately reach for salads or fruit in order to being our weight loss challenge but there are now products on the market that have sourced the benefits of some fruits, raspberries in particular in order to help us lose weight.  These products contain Raspberry Ketones.

What Are Raspberry Ketones?

Certain ketones are found in raspberries that have the ability to reduce fat.  Raspberry Ketones can target fat and encourage the body to use that fat as a source of energy.
Raspberry Ketones have been said to be more effective at reducing fat stores than capsicum.  Many people use capsicum for weight loss but it can cause problems such as heartburn due to its spicy nature.  You also need a lot of capsicum in order to see results.  While it is true that you also need a significant amount of Raspberry Ketones to see such great results, it is certainly much more pleasant to eat raspberries than hot peppers!
Raspberry Ketones give raspberries their fruity flavor but they have also been shown to release hormones that are crucial in the metabolism of fats.  Another reason that many people like using Raspberry Ketones is because they have been shown to increase energy levels.  While you may not have as much energy as you would have after using a caffeinated product, Raspberry Ketones can help to keep your energy levels elevated throughout the day instead of causing a crash.
Research has shown that Raspberry Ketones can help in your weight-loss efforts, especially when paired with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet of healthy and whole foods.
Raspberry Ketones cause the fat within your cells to get broken up more effectively, helping your body burn fat faster. The recommended dose is 100mg per day. To get the same benefit from the whole fruit, you'd have to consume 90 pounds of raspberries.

How Do Raspberry Ketones Work?

In essence, raspberry ketone will aid in weight loss through two different ways:
Raspberry Ketones slice open the cells in the body and releases fat that was previously stored into the bloodstream. This fat is then burned off immediately causing fat to be removed from the body. 
Raspberry Ketones also prevent the liver from absorbing fat consumed through diet. This means that Raspberry Ketones prevent the body from absorbing fat, while simultaneously removing it.

 Are there any side effects from taking Raspberry Ketones?

Using Raspberry Ketones has not been shown to cause adverse side effects.  Unlike many ingredients that increase energy levels, Raspberry Ketones do not cause side effects like headaches, nervousness, and jitteriness so it is one of the most desirable ingredients that is included in diet pills. Raspberry ketone is a safe substance with no known side effects or potential health risks.
Another plus though is that Raspberry ketone has been found to also lower blood pressure and also improve brain function, improve digestion, as well as many other things.


Raspberry Ketones are an excellent addition to a diet pill.  They do not completely protect against a high fat diet but when they are used in conjunction with other proven diet pill ingredients you may notice a significant drop in weight.  All that is left then is for you to pick the best product available on the market.  Summer is upon us, so why wait!!!Click on the banner below and look at the offers.

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Thursday 13 February 2014

Genes and Diet - The answers lie in your genes

Remarkable advances in science have resulted in the whole of the human genome being sequenced and variations in our genes being analysed. Research groups around the world are explaining how variations in our genes influence our lives and our health. They are also explaining why so many of us find it difficult to manage our weight and to maintain a healthy weight.

 My-gene-diet now offers tests on the gene variations which have the greatest impact on diet, exercise and weight management. With just a swab sample from your mouth we can recommend the diet type which is likely to work best for you. We can also recommend the type of exercise you are most suited to - sprint and power or endurance. My-gene-diet uses patented Danish technology for effective and reliable gene analysis.

We are showered with advice and claims about what type of diet works best for us, but it all assumes that we are all the same. BUT our genes are different, our food choices are different and our eating behaviour is different. Many of us spend a lot of time, energy and money battling with our weight, often without success. So it makes sense to use the latest scientific findings to ensure the best results. Avoid the effort, expense and disappointments of using the wrong diet. My-gene-diet unlocks the secret of what works best for you.

. My-Gene-Diet

Thursday 23 January 2014

4 Steps To Making Weight Loss Permanent

So you’ve put in the time and effort and have had great results to show for it. You’ve lost the excess weight that you were carrying around and now are the proud new owner of the body of your dreams.
You’re excited, you’re feeling good, and you’re ready to face life in this brand new body.
But, amongst all this, you might also feel a slight twinge of anxiety with regards to whether or not you’re going to be able to maintain this new body for the time to come.
Who’s to say that that weight isn’t going to come rushing back just as soon as you stop going about your diet and being a little more lenient in what you eat?
Fortunately, if you have a plan of attack, succeeding at weight maintenance can be a lot easier than you think.  Here are some smart things that you need to know.

Be Accountable
The very first thing that you must do to succeed at weight maintenance is to stay accountable.  Now that you’ve reached your ideal weight, don’t think that this means you can eat what you want, when you want.
You still do need to be accountable. If you take a little too many ‘treats’ here and there, it’s going to add up.
If you notice that your weight is creeping up in a direction you don’t want it to go, immediately take action so you bring it back down lower again.
The sooner you can get it under control, the less work you’ll have to do moving forward.

Continue To Strength Train
Moving on, the second thing that you must keep doing is strength training.  Strength training is the absolute most effective form of workout that will help keep the weight off over time.
Not only will it help you maintain a higher metabolic rate 24/7, but it also makes it easier to add carbs back into your diet.
Unless you plan to eat a carb-free diet for the years to come, this is very important for success.

Adapt A Flexible Mindset
Moving along, the next must-do for success is to make sure that you adopt a flexible frame of mind.  Don’t see yourself as a success or failure.  Rather, view this as life.
If you eat something you shouldn’t, you treated yourself.  Get right back on with a healthy eating program.
Remember that all the good habits you developed should now become a permanent lifestyle for yourself.  They shouldn’t be something that feels like torture or that you can’t keep up for some time to come.
If you did use improper dieting methods, it’s time to learn some wise techniques that will encourage health, high energy, and that you can sustain for life.
When you do, it’ll be easier to adopt the flexible mindset because you’ll naturally enjoy living a smarter lifestyle.

Make Fitness Fun
Finally, last but not least, start making fitness fun.  If you’ve spent months in the gym and aren’t especially fond of gym workouts, start investigating some other options that you could do that you would derive more pleasure from.
Exercise to maintain your weight does not need to be more intense than exercise to lose weight, so relax a bit and do what you enjoy.

So there you have a few of the top secrets for successful weight maintenance. Stay on top of yourself and you’ll have no problem living in and enjoying your dream body. 
R.D.K holdings S.A

Cayenne Pepper

In a recent letter to the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, three Italian doctors describe how they were able to reduce patients' reported dyspepsia symptoms by more than half -  by prescribing red pepper powder. In a study of 30 patients with  functional dyspepsia, half of the participants received a placebo, while the other half took 2.5 grams of red pepper powder each day (divided into capsules taken before each of three meals). Both groups took their respective treatments for five weeks, and rated their symptoms each day on a scale of zero  to three (higher scores indicated more severe symptoms). By the third week, the red pepper group showed a significant advantage over the control group. And by week five, the pepper group's symptoms had declined 60 percent from their baseline scores - while the control group's scores had only decreased about half as much. The symptom scores included ratings for pain, a feeling of fullness, nausea, and an overall score. The red pepper powder produced significant gains in all four areas.

Many herbalists believe that Cayenne is the most useful and valuable herb in the herb kingdom, not only for the entire digestive system, but also for the heart and circulatory system. It acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other herbs when used with them.

Cayenne is a medicinal and nutritional herb.  It is a very high source of Vitamins A and C, has the complete B complexes, and is very rich in organic calcium and potassium, which is one of the reasons it is good for the heart.

Cayenne can rebuild the tissue in the stomach and the peristaltic action in the intestines.  It aids elimination and assimilation, and helps the body to create hydrochloric acid, which is so necessary for good digestion and assimilation, especially of proteins.  All this becomes very significant when we realize that the digestive system plays the most important role in mental, emotional and physical health, as it is through the digestive  system that the brain, glands, muscles and every other part of the body are fed.

Cayenne has been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds.  For example, when a 90-year-old man in Oregon had a severe heart attack, his daughter was able to get Cayenne extract into his mouth.  He was pronounced dead by the medics, but within a few minutes, he regained consciousness.  On the way to the hospital, he remained in a semi-conscious state, but the daughter kept giving him the Cayenne extract.  By the time they got  to the hospital, he had fully recovered and wanted to go home and mow the lawn.  The doctor asked what she had given him, as he said it was the closest thing to a miracle he had ever seen.
Capsicum (cayenne pepper) is said to be unequal for its ability to boost circulation and increase heart action. Capsicum exerts a variety of desirable actions on the entire cardiovascular system. It has the extraordinary ability to enhance cardiovascular performance while actually lowering blood pressure. Capsicum has an energizing effect on the entire system. It has traditionally been used for overcoming fatigue and restoring stamina and vigor. It is a natural stimulant without the threatening side effects (palpitations, hyper-activity or rise in blood pressure) of most other stimulating agents.

Because Capsicum boots peripheral circulation and stimulates organ secretion, it expedites the therapeutic delivery and action of nutrients in the body. It will ensure the rapid and even distribution of the active principles of available nutrients to critical function centers, including those involved in cellular respiration, metabolic data transmission and neural-hormonal action. The remarkable ability of Capsicum to stimulate organ secretion and even heart action makes it one of the strongest natural stimulants known. Clearly, Capsicum should be considered nothing less than a wonder herb that has scientifically proven its worth! 
Advanced Health LTD

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The 4 Diet Myths

The most common misconceptions when dieting is to think we need to eat exclusive food groups in order to lose weight. All this really does is deprive us from the essential vitamins and minerals our body need to function. Everyone wants a strong, fit and healthy body and this is only achieved from a well -rounded, well balanced diet. Here we expel a few common myths when it comes to losing weight.

Myth 1: We should only eat certain food groups. Wrong. Many diets, crash diets in particular will advise cutting out particular food groups or only eating food from one food group. Our bodies cannot run on one kind type of food, we need a well- balanced, varied diet in order to stay healthy. We need a bit of fat, a bit of protein, vegetables, plenty of water, some carbohydrates and fibre. Even some of the so-called ‘bad’ foods our body will require some of those, if only in moderation but nothing should be cut out completely. Fruits, grains, nuts and seeds are also essential for a strong immune system which will ward of illness and keep you healthy.

Myth 2: You can only get protein from meat. This is not true. Fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, legumes and oils all contain protein. Meat is actually high in fat and sodium, particularly red meats which if eaten excessively is not good for cholesterol levels. While it does contain protein; not as much as originally thought. Grains, oils, legumes and nuts actually contain more. Our body needs about 30 grams of protein a day so as you can see, you do not have to eat nothing but meat to get your daily quota.

Myth 3: To lose weight, cut out the fat. Our bodies actually need some fat to function properly; it allows the muscles and joints to work smoothly. What you need to steer clear of are hydrogenated fats, good nutritious health giving fats consist of avocados, olive oil and raw nuts.

Myth 4: You have to go without to lose weight. Women on average should not consume any fewer calories than 1,200 a day and men generally should eat no less than 1,800 calories a day. Instead of snacking on high fat, high sugar foods, if you literally ate as much fruit and vegetables as you could manage, you would not only be satisfied and not hungry but it will have no bearing on your weight.

The best way to lose weight is to eat foods as naturally as you can, with no added sugar or preservatives and cut out the unnecessary fats and simply eat what your body requires and no more, you will lose weight, stay healthy and live longer.

Advanced Health LTD