
Friday 25 November 2016

The Most Common Reasons People Gain Weight: Stop Making These Mistakes

If you’re interested in experiencing fast fat loss, it’s vital that you come to learn some of the biggest mistakes that many people make as they go about their plan and often completely steer them right off track. It’s easy to overlook the smallest of things that could in fact be having a big impact on your overall progress, so by discovering what you must watch out for, you’re one step ahead of the game.  Let’s have a look at the most common mistakes that cause weight gain in others, so you can be sure they don’t hinder your results.

 Neglecting To Plan 
 The first and most important reason why people gain weight is because they simply don’t have a plan in place. It’s an absolute must that you know precisely what you will be eating at every point in the day if you want to see the greatest success with this goal. If you can come up with a plan and follow it, you know precisely how many calories you are taking in and can adjust this based on your real world results. If you have no plan then you’re leaving weight loss up to chance. If you don’t plan for meals away from home and bring appropriate food items with you, you’re counting on the fact that you’ll be able to find something healthy while out and about. More often than not this is not the case. Plan to succeed and you will.

 Neglecting To Account ALL Calories 
 The second big problem is neglecting to factor all calories. You know how it goes, ‘Oh, but I was standing when I ate that, so it doesn’t count’. Yes, it does. If you want to succeed with weight loss, everything will count. Beverages included. Don’t forget to tally up those 300-500 calorie smoothies or gourmet coffee that you down each day as well. If you aren’t including these, you won’t see weight loss and will question why you aren’t moving forward. It’s due to the high intake of these beverages.

 Neglecting To Factor In Individual Preferences
 Another mistake to avoid is neglecting your individual preferences. Try and avoid going on a diet that you hate. If you do this, you’re setting yourself up to fail from day one. Yes, you will have to make some changes and may have to give up the junk food that you do enjoy, but if you can’t stand the thought of cutting out carbs or using a low fat diet plan, don’t. There are plenty of diet approaches that can work well so you should easily be able to find one that you will enjoy. Dieting really doesn’t have to be as torturous as so many people make it out to be if they just invest in some quality research finding the right plan for themselves.

 Neglecting Physical Activity 
 Finally, last but not least, make sure that you don’t neglect physical activity. It’s very important that you stay active all the time as this will help you maintain a higher metabolism and help to give you more freedom with your diet. One mistake is thinking that only diet matters. While it’s true that diet is the most important factor for losing weight, it’s the exercise that goes along with it that allows you to really change the way your body looks while you lose weight. If you want a complete transformation, adding the workouts will be a must.

 So there you have the top mistakes that some people make as they go about their weight loss journey. Do you see yourself in any of these?


Thursday 19 May 2016

Cutting and bulking your way to your dream body.

Just some of the great products from CrazyBulk which can help you build your dream body.


D-Bal’s powerful formula mimics the effects of Methandrostenolon, otherwise known as Dianabol, the granddaddy of steroids. By increasing nitrogen retention, D-Bal creates the ultimate anabolic state required for mega muscle growth, giving you rapid gains in size and strength.

How it Works

D-Bal enables your muscle tissue to retain more nitrogen; one of the essential building blocks of protein. The more nitrogen your muscles hold, the more protein your cells can build. This process is called protein synthesis, and it’s what builds and repairs muscle. And more protein means more muscle!
D-Bal revs up your protein metabolism and gives your strength and muscle growth a hefty kick into overdrive. 


Trenorol re-creates the awesome androgenic effects of Trenbolone; probably the most versatile steroid of all time. Expect immense muscle gains, awesome strength and power, amazing physical conditioning, fast healing and everything else in between. Use it for bulking or cutting. Whatever you want, Trenorol delivers – fast.

How It Works
Trenorol enables your muscle tissue to retain more nitrogen, one of the building blocks of protein. More nitrogen and more protein means huge muscle gains and accelerated fat burning.
And by stepping up your red blood cell production, Trenorol shoots extra oxygen to your muscles for awesome strength and power during your workouts. The increase of red blood cells in your veins gives you awesome vascularity, and with the majority of gains being pure muscle with no water retention, Trenorol gives you an excellent hard, defined look.
The action hero of legal steroids, Trenorol packs an almighty punch, delivering raw power, pure muscle and annihilating fat, leaving you toned, hard, ripped and ready.

Bottom Line:

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Cutting, bulking, lean mass building, stamina increasing...  Find something here for every stage of your bodybuilding program.

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Tuesday 10 May 2016

New Nutri Plan Discounts Available

Each NutriPlan contains detoxifying nutrition for you to take each day for 28-days. Nutrition calendars are created by professional nutritionists and contain teas, shakes and all-natural supplements designed to provide a thorough cleanse.
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Friday 15 April 2016

The Importance of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are naturally occurring hero compounds that help to neutralise the harmful free radicals that can build up in our bodies. These free radicals attack things like our essential fats, proteins and DNA and therefore can cause harmful diseases and unfortunately, speed up the aging process!
Therefore, an essential component of detoxing with NutriPlan is consuming lots and lots of antioxidants!

How can I avoid free radicals?
Studies strongly suggest that fast food, low activity levels, stress, frozen meals and fizzy drinks can increase our exposure to free radicals. However, there are circumstances where free radical production is undeniable and often avoidable
For example:
· Smoking and second-hand smoke
· Alcohol consumption
· Excess exposure to UV light
· Radiation
Where do I find antioxidants?
An awesome source of antioxidants is Matcha Tea. Matcha has up to 15 times as many antioxidants as Matcha Tea. Other sources include blueberries, raspberries, apples, broccoli, and spinach – to name just a few! Sources of antioxidants are diverse, more favourably they can be found in red wine and dark chocolate.

How NutriPlan can help…
NutriPlan's carefully designed plans will flood your body with antioxidants. By making these smart food choices and adding supplements that help to combat oxidation, you will complete a healthy and highly beneficial detox.

For example, the NutriPlan Superstack is a nutrient-dense capsule, loaded with ingredients known for increasing your antioxidant levels. For instance, Aloe Vera, Goji Berries, and Coenzyme Q10.

Derived from berries, Acai Berry is praised as a superfood for it’s incredibly high level of antioxidants. Add it to your berry-based smoothies for the ultimate antioxidant kick!

Nutri Plan program has a detailed schedule of the best moment to drink  herbal teas, prepare powders and take  capsules, in order to get the most out of them. This ensures your body receives a constant and consistent amount of antioxidants to help detox your body and fight free radicals.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Smart Moves To Reduce Hypertension

If you’re currently overweight or even just battling a few extra pounds, it’s worthwhile to sit up and take note of what you can do to speed up your rate of progress at shedding those for good.
Obesity is one of the leading causes of a number of conditions in today’s world and rates are currently on the rise.

One of the conditions that is very prevalent in the US population is hypertension, which is quite interconnected with obesity as well.  As of 2010, 28.6% of the population reported suffering from hypertension, and possibly more alarming, 81.9% were fully aware of it.  This means that even those most people know they are experiencing the condition, they aren’t taking action steps to control it as best as they could.  Less than 50% of those reported to know about their hypertension are taking serious action steps to reduce it, so it’s time to make sure that you are not one of those statistics.

Let’s look at what you should be doing to help reduce your risk or level of hypertension today.

Eat More Fresh Produce
The first and very important step to take to help you combat hypertension is to eat more fresh produce in your diet plan.  Fruits and vegetables are naturally sodium free so they should be consumed in abundance with each and every meal you eat.
They should form the basis of your diet, making up around 40-50% of your total food intake.

Watch Out For ‘Hidden’ Sodium
Next, also be sure that you’re on the lookout for hidden sources of sodium. Many people are aware that they shouldn’t be using high amounts of table salt or spices that are high in sodium, but they overlook other sources in their diet such as cheeses and other dairy products, canned foods, and sometimes even breakfast cereals.
Start reading labels so that you can get the full information of how much sodium all of your foods contain.  Sometimes sodium lurks in the most unsuspecting places, so this may prove to be quite the eye-opening experience for you.

Eat Healthy Fats
Finally, make sure that you are eating a higher amount of healthy fats in your diet as well. Healthy fats will help to combat high blood pressure and also promote a healthier heart, so are a must have to be taking in.

The best sources of healthy fats to focus on include nuts and natural nut butter, seeds, avocado’s, fatty fish, along with olive oil and flaxseed oil.  Coconut fat, while a saturated variety is also great to take in to help boost heart health.
In addition to eating right, also be sure to use a weight loss supplement such as Adiphene, which can help to stop hunger pains and boost your metabolic rate, allowing fat loss to take place at a faster rate overall.

If you take these steps, you should be able to put hypertension behind you.


Monday 4 April 2016

Weight loss and health benefits of Forskolin

Forskolin is a herb that has a number of medicinal properties. It comes from the same family as mint, and the root of the plant has been used in herbal and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is thought that the root can treat a range of health issues, including asthma, cancer, heart conditions and glaucoma. In addition, some herbal medicine proponents believe that forskolin can be used to promote fat loss.

How Forskolin Helps Weight Loss
According to the results of a study published in the “Obesity” journal in 2005, overweight men who took two doses of forskolin per day saw an increase in their bone mass and a decrease in their body fat percentage. However, when a similar study was conducted on overweight women, such changes in body fat composition were not seen. It is encouraging to note, however, that forskolin appeared to help to prevent the overweight women from gaining additional weight.

Forskolin works by increasing the body’s natural rate of testosterone production and boosting your metabolism. Testosterone plays an important role in muscle building for both men and women. People who have higher levels of testosterone tend to be more likely to hold on to muscle and burn fat when they are in a calorie deficit.

How Much Forskolin Should You Take?
The average person should take 125g which is the key concentration required for fat burning results and optimal health benefits. However, before you start, you should always speak to your doctor to find out what the correct dose is for you.

Other Health Benefits
Forskolin is primarily used as a weight loss aid, but it does have other beneficial properties. It acts as a vasodilator, which means that it can improve your circulation, speeding up recovery times between exercise sessions and also helping to increase your vascularity; which may be a positive if you are a bodybuilder.
In addition, the testosterone boosting effects of Forskolin can help you to sleep better, giving you more physical and mental energy, making you more alert and helping to ensure that your immune system is always functioning optimally.

The weight loss benefits are the strongest and most obvious, however. By reducing your body fat percentage, you reduce your risk of suffering from a range of metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Your risk of suffering from a stroke or heart disease is also reduced.

Forskolin is a natural supplement that offers a huge range of potential benefits. If you are struggling to lose fat through calorie restriction alone then it makes sense to give Forskolin a try. It carries fewer side-effects than stimulants and conventional medicine, and has proven to be effective, especially for men who are looking to lose weight.
Evolution Slimming

Sunday 27 March 2016

Top Diet Trends To Jump On This Year

With the New Year now underway, many of you may be looking at little things that you can do to improve the nutrition of your diet.  Constantly staying on the lookout for the latest research regarding what works and what doesn’t when it comes to your diet is important if you hope to see success.
Recently a study put out by Pollock Communications listed a few key points that you should keep in mind. If you can start to incorporate these into your very own diet program, you should see progress coming your way.

Think Green
The first trend is to think all natural. The more natural you can make your diet, the better says dieticians of this research group.  Much focus in today’s world will be placed on eating foods that come in their completely natural state while turning away from all the processed foods that line the supermarket shelves.

Use Herbs More Often
The second trend that you’ll see being mentioned more often in 2012 is using spices to add flavor to your foods rather than condiments and sauces.  Many spices have their own unique benefits as well, so this further adds to the benefits you’ll receive from having them in your diet plan.
Just be on the lookout for high-sodium spices and make sure that you stay away from this variety.

Focus On Micronutrients
Micronutrients will be another large focus for many people moving into the coming year.  Rather than strictly looking at how many grams of protein, carbs, and fats you’re consuming, more people will be looking at fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
More awareness is being raised about just how important these nutrients are to form a healthy diet so people are starting to make sure that their diet doesn’t have any weak spots where nutritional density is low.

Seasonal Produce Is Big
More focus is also going to be placed on all the seasonal fruits and vegetables that you can buy.  Far too many people are getting in the habit of consuming the same foods day in and day out and this is having a very negative impact on their nutritional standing.
Start experimenting with new options when you see them at the supermarket.

Use MyPlate As A Guide
The old food guide is now being replaced by a new guide – the MyPlate guide, which has a brand new set-up to consider for your food consumption.  With this set-up, you’ll be having half your plate divided between protein sand grains, with the other half consisting of vegetables and fruits.  Dairy will be a small serving on the side to add extra protein and calcium.
This much smaller dedication to grain products is going to help to combat diabetes along with many other negative health conditions associated with a very large carb intake.

So there you have the primary points to consider as you move into 2017. Follow these and you can feel confident your diet will be better because of them. 

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Diet myths debunked

The dieting world is full of myths, hearsay and soundbites. We all have heard them a thousand times, but does that make them true? Is it really a good idea to ban sugar completely from your diet? Is it really a good idea not to touch fat and alcohol ever again? This seems to me like an invitation to failure. Too few people can swear off certain foods forever and stick to the oath. The rest of us need a little treat now and then. And there’s nothing wrong with getting a treat once in while, provided that treats don’t happen every day.  

Diet MythsThe basic idea of any diet is to eat food that contains fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. This way, the body is forced to use the accumulated fat in order to make up for the energy it doesn’t get from food. But a diet also has to be tasty and nutritionally sound. Simply banning certain types of foods and ingredients is not a solution because anybody following such a diet will have to acknowledge sooner or later that he or she wants those foods and ingredients badly and a relapse into the old eating habits becomes inevitable.
People should also learn not to put their faith into meal replacements, such as Mypoplex, Slimfast or Eat-Smart. These combinations of low-fat and high-protein substances cannot substitute a proper diet. They should never be used for more than 4 four weeks in a row. Calories are important to the body and nobody can go on for long without them. Cutting calories out of the long-term nutrition is a huge mistake because the internal organs and muscles need them to function. Using meal replacements for a week or two, as a shock treatment, is fine. Relying on them for two months is asking for trouble. And the same goes for single-food diets, such as the cabbage soup diet, because they are based on the same idea.

Another widespread myth is the idea that the best approach to weight loss is a low-carb, high-protein diet. This is one of the myths that emerged from the Hollywood slimming industry. Nearly all movie stars and singers are on some such diet. However, this approach is not exactly good for you because a diet low in carbohydrates and calories forces the body to use existing carbs located in the liver and the muscles. In time, this diet leads to weight loss mainly from water stored in the body, instead of fat, and also strains the internal organs.

And people should not be so afraid of potatoes, bread and pasta, the leading sources of carbohydrates. Carbs are actually good for you because they quell the feeling of hunger without bringing in too many calories. So you can safely eat moderate amounts of potatoes and bread as long as you don’t use butter or sauces, which are laden with fat. Naturally, you also have to pay attention to how these foods are prepared. French fries are not a low-fat food. Still, a high-carb, low-fat diet is far better than banning potatoes and bread from your daily meals and it’s also easier to stick to.

Drinking a certain quantity of water every day is a good idea because it keeps the body hydrated and fills the stomach. Water also keeps the intestines healthy by facilitating the movements of undigested food to the exit point. However, simply drinking water does not trigger weight loss. There is only one way to lose weight and that is to burn up the existing fat and water cannot do that. Nor should a diet be judged solely by how much weight is lost per week. Some people claim that a diet can be considered effective if the weekly loss of weight is above two pounds. Frankly, two pounds per week is a lot of weight to lose and you can be sure that not all of it is fat, but also the lean tissue that makes up the muscles.

Another myth claims that fat is absolutely bad for you. It’s not. Quite on the contrary, the body needs some fat in order to get the important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K circulating through the cardiovascular system. Moreover, fat also brings into the body the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 that cannot be synthesized in the body. The word “essential” means that these fatty acids simply have to be present in your daily food since they play an important role in your health. The recommended dose of fat is 35 percent of your daily calories. 

And last of all comes the idea that a diet or eating plan is enough in itself and does not have to be coupled with exercising. But exercising is the most effective way of burning up the extra calories stored as fat. Simply sitting at your desk all day long is not going to do the trick, regardless of what diet you’re on. Remember that a diet that has plenty of food (the right kind of food) and plenty of exercise is far better than sitting on the sofa and drinking cabbage soup every six hours. It works faster and is less stressful to your body.

Supplements such as Phen375 can be used alongside any diet regime.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

How To Get A Six Pack

A toned, washboard stomach is something that is highly sought after by men and women alike but of course it does not come naturally. Many people do not have the time or the money to commit to going to the gym but that does not mean that you cannot have an enviable stomach. It can easily be achieved in the privacy of your own home without spending a fortune on equipment and it does not have to take up all of your time.

Lose the excess fat and eat well!
First things first, you need to target the areas of fat by doing some cardiovascular exercise. It does not matter how much you exercise if there is a layer of fat over your abdominals, your six pack will be unnoticeable. Examples of this would be; Running, jogging or cycling. Anything that gets your heart and blood pumping is good to not only lose weight but to stay healthy. It is important not to skip breakfast as what usually happens is you will end up eating a massive lunch due to not eating anything for hours on end which of course is guaranteed to make you pile on the pounds. You should try not to skip lunch either as again, you will end up eating a larger dinner and most people are usually not very active after dinner which will lead to weight gain.  3 sensible well balanced meals a day and if you must snack between meals, make them low fat ones.

Drink water
Make sure you keep your fluid intake up as quite often, thirst is mistaken for hunger. So when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty. Keeping our fluid levels up not only suppresses appetite so that we eat less which is good for weight control, it ensures optimum digestion, removes waste products from the body, helps to keep our skin glowing and complexion healthy and encourages our kidney to function properly which increases the efficiency of our liver’s fat burning capacities. 

Build muscle
You do not need to shell out on expensive equipment to build muscle. Exercises you can do at home include, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts and using a stability ball that supports your back and body so that you can effectively perform these exercises without strain. You should carry out these exercises at least three times a week. If you do have some money to spend you can buy some dumbbells very affordably, the more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn. Lifting weights and doing some kind of resistance training is important to make sure you do not loss too much muscle mass while you are reducing your calorie intake. You need to try to do an even amount of cardiovascular and resistance training otherwise if you concentrate on sorely cardiovascular activities you may lose the muscle mass that you develop in your abs. 
Advanced Health LTD

What if the body you dream about became a reality?

PhenQ is a powerful new slimming formula combining multiple weight loss benefits to help you get the slim, sexy body you’ve always wanted
  • Unique new slimming product designed to give you better results than others
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  • Block fat production to stop weight gain
  • Improve your mood and energy levels for hassle-free weight loss
  • High quality formula produced in the US and UK in GMP and FDA approved facilities
PhenQ gives you the power of multiple weight loss supplements in just one pill.


Saturday 19 March 2016

Lucky 7 tips to lose weight

It takes “SMART” to become SMART

For many, losing weight is not the only fitness objective. They want it fast enough also want it to stay on permanently. Following are some of the recommended fitness and nutrition rules that could help you achieve your weight loss goals steadily yet quickly:


Did you know that the term SMART is an abbreviation for being “Specific, Measured, Appropriate, Realistic, and Time-bound” about what you plan to achieve?
Let’s assume, if your goal is to increase your physical activity, then write down the type of activity you plan to do, how many times you can realistically do it each week, and for how long each time. Start with small, short, and easier goals, and work your way up.

2- Be active

You need to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day, most days of the week to help burn up extra calories. But give yourself credit for the activities that you’re already doing. Do remember, common activities such as climbing stairs, pushing a stroller, gardening, and walking all count as physical activity. Just make sure you do enough of them.

3- Make an offer

Make yourself an offer that is too attractive to be refused. For example, before starting to reach your next goal, offer yourself a promise like this, "If I reach my goal this (day, week, and month), I will treat myself to a well-deserved (Fill in a reward here, but not a food reward.)." Think of something you want, such as an afternoon off, a massage, a movie, or even a deposit toward a larger reward. Be creative, set up rewards for yourself frequently, and make sure you give them to yourself when you reach your goal.

4- Keep yourself full

Ask yourself, “am I full yet?” The question may take longer to answer than you think. It takes 15 minutes or more for the message that we’re full to get from our stomachs to our brains.
So take a few minutes before digging in for that next helping. Having trouble feeling full?
Eight glasses (8 ounces each) or more of water or other non-caloric beverages daily fills you up and keeps you refreshed. Also, vegetables and fruits can help you feel fuller, especially when eaten raw.

Visit Diet and Fitness Resource for more information and offers 

5- Keep the record

Keep a diary of what you eat and how much physical activity you get each day. Then, at the end of each week, record your weight in the same diary. You and your health provider can use this information to adjust your eating and physical activity plan to find the best way to reach your goal.

6- Keep an eye

Finally, keep an eye on your size. You must not forget that we eat most of what is on our plate, no matter what the size of the plate? When at home, try using smaller plates; they will help you take smaller portions. When eating out, share an entrée! Studies show that portions today are often super-sized, enough for two or more people to share.

Visit Diet and Fitness Resource for more information and offers

Best Fat Burner Reviews

The attraction of fat burning and diet pills and there appealing weight loss claims can be hard to pass up. But are all diet pills as safe and effective as they claim to be?

weight loss supplementFrom our extensive research in the weight loss industry we have discovered that most of the claims made by manufacturers and retailers are not backed by any valid clinical and scientific studies. A large number of weight loss pills are now available from your local drugstore, supermarket, health shop and online. It is not surprising that only a few of these pills have actually been proven to be safe and effective.

Currently dietary supplements and weight loss products are not are not subjected to the same rigorous standards as prescription drugs and over the counter medications. As a result of the lack of testing many of the weight loss products on offer are marketed with very limited proof of effectiveness or safety.

Best Fat Burner site has carried out extensive studies on many of the most popular diet pills and their ingredients in order to discover which fat burner pills can effectively help people to reach their weight loss goals. From our extensive research we have discovered some interesting products you want to look at if you're serious about burning fat.

Visit the Best Fat Burner site now and take advantage of the offers available

Why Should I Use A Herbal Weight Loss Patch?

The rewards of the Slimweight Patch are many and if you are looking to drop excess pounds, lose copious amounts of body fat, and have unlimited energy you will want to choose the Herbal Patch. Created with the distinct intention of supercharging your metabolism, the Herbal Patch is made with only all natural ingredients.This makes it not only extremely effective but completely safe to use, boasting no 
adverse side effects.

 The Herbal Patch contains a specific kind of brown alga, known as Fucus Vesiculosus. While this amazing alga may be new to modern culture its weight loss efforts have been used by herbalists for hundreds of years. The way in which the Herbal Patch works is unlike any other kind of weight loss supplement currently on the market. Users will simply apply the self adhesive patch directly onto their skin and allow this Fucus to work its wonders for the completion of the dosing cycle. 

The length of time that you will continue to wear the patch will vary in regards to just how much 
weight you plan on losing. Upon meeting with the porous skin tissue the Fucus and other natural ingredients 
will readily be absorbed and then enter the blood stream to seek out the thyroid. The thyroid is in charge of regulating the metabolism and as the Herbal Patch works it will encourage the thyroid to increase the production of iodine and in turn torch both fat and calories. Because the Herbal Patch negates going through the stomach, liver, and intestines like so many other weight loss supplements, it can retain the effectiveness of the ingredients by 95 percent more than any other dietary pill counterpart. 

The Herbal Patch then boosts your metabolism similarly to that of intense exercise, burning copious amounts of body fat and calories, all the while you are doing nothing outside of your regular daily routine. This then allows you to still eat the very foods you love the most and are not tied down to struggling through hours spent sweating it out at the gym. For those that are already on a busy schedule and don't have time to get in 
regular exercise the Herbal Patch is the perfect remedy for their situation. 

What's more is that dieting is often arduous and leaves you feeling restricted, yet because you will not have to amend your current diet at all this Slimweight Patch grants you the means to have your cake and eat it too. If you are looking for a fast, effective, and easy way to drop pounds of fat, lose weight, and increase your overall energy, the Herbal Patch is for you.
Slim Weight Patch Plus

Friday 18 March 2016

Lose Weight with Weight Loss Patch

Losing Weight seems to be a losing battle for most people but it doesn’t have to be.

There is no quick fix and it takes a lot of perservence and hard work but it can be done. By following these useful tips you can achieve your ideal weight and feel happy and confident in the way you look.

Cut those Calories
Reduce the amount of high-fat food in your diet, opt for fat-reduced or low fat options, use a minimal amount of cooking oil, avoid butter, use margarine instead and remove excess fat from meat.

How big are your portions?
Over the years we are eating larger portions that our body doesn’t really need. Especially when it comes to convenience meals and snacks which means we are used to consuming more calories than we are burning off and therefore don’t feel as full. Choosing smaller portions does not mean missing out!

Think before you drink
Avoid drinking too many fizzy drinks and cut back on alcohol. Choose flavoured or pure water, decaffeinated coffee, tea or unsweetened drinks instead.

Can I get any help with my weight loss?
There are many- weight loss pills and potions on the market, but the most effective and innovative product is the Slim Weight patch by Roduve. This uses brand new breakthrough technology to deliver the mixture of powerful but 100% natural ingredients transdermally (through the skin) through a discreet adhesive patch worn on the body. The clinically proven patch helps to boost metabolism and burn away excess fat with no side effects allowing you to lose weight safely and efficiently. 
Slim Weight Patch Plus

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Changing one meal a day can improve your health

Even though the craving for takeout might be particularly strong at lunch, simply changing one meal per day could lead to a number of health improvements including weight loss and increased energy. According to nutrition experts, one meal a day makes up a significant portion of our calories. How can we use this to our advantage?

A balanced meal will fill you up more than a burrito packed with all the goodies or a giant cheeseburger. Although the healthier meal will have fewer calories, it is more nutritious and won’t leave you feeling hungry afterward. This allows you to save calories. Over time, you will see changes in your health, including weight loss.

Does this mean you shouldn’t eat leftovers for lunch? Not necessarily. The trick to eating leftovers for lunch is to make sure that whatever you are eating is sufficiently balanced. One of the biggest myths about lunch is that it should be your smallest and lightest meal of the day.
What is a balanced lunch? You’ll want to make sure that you have a protein-rich food like fish, turkey, lentils, or beans as well as a fruit or vegetable - or both. This protein-heavy lunch, when combined with a whole grain, could really help with that late afternoon fatigue.

It is also important to view your meal change in the right way. The changes to your lunch shouldn’t be thought of in terms of calories; instead, they should be considered part of improved health and fighting that afternoon slump you often feel.

For many people, lunch is the easiest meal to change, but it doesn’t have to be the one that is modified in order to reap the health benefits. If lunch isn’t a meal you are ready to change, simply pick another one. The trick is to try changing one meal every day to make it easier to stick to healthier lifestyle choices later on.

Remember, as you modify your meal habits for the better, you are also changing your overall mindset. Eating healthier food or making different choices when it comes to your health can be challenging, but it is possible to embrace such a lifestyle change. As you ease into your new, healthier lifestyle, you are inevitably going to get that “spill-over effect”, which means eating healthier will become second nature in the long run.

Evolution Slimming