
Saturday 21 February 2015

Top Diet Trends To Jump On This Year

With the New Year now underway, many of you may be looking at little things that you can do to improve the nutrition of your diet.  Constantly staying on the lookout for the latest research regarding what works and what doesn’t when it comes to your diet is important if you hope to see success.
Recently a study put out by Pollock Communications listed a few key points that you should keep in mind. If you can start to incorporate these into your very own diet program, you should see progress coming your way.
Think Green
The first trend is to think all natural. The more natural you can make your diet, the better says dieticians of this research group.  Much focus in today’s world will be placed on eating foods that come in their completely natural state while turning away from all the processed foods that line the supermarket shelves.
Use Herbs More Often
The second trend that you’ll see being mentioned more often in 2012 is using spices to add flavor to your foods rather than condiments and sauces.  Many spices have their own unique benefits as well, so this further adds to the benefits you’ll receive from having them in your diet plan.
Just be on the lookout for high-sodium spices and make sure that you stay away from this variety.
Focus On Micronutrients
Micronutrients will be another large focus for many people moving into the coming year.  Rather than strictly looking at how many grams of protein, carbs, and fats you’re consuming, more people will be looking at fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
More awareness is being raised about just how important these nutrients are to form a healthy diet so people are starting to make sure that their diet doesn’t have any weak spots where nutritional density is low.
Seasonal Produce Is Big
More focus is also going to be placed on all the seasonal fruits and vegetables that you can buy.  Far too many people are getting in the habit of consuming the same foods day in and day out and this is having a very negative impact on their nutritional standing.
Start experimenting with new options when you see them at the supermarket.
Use MyPlate As A Guide
The old food guide is now being replaced by a new guide – the MyPlate guide, which has a brand new set-up to consider for your food consumption.  With this set-up, you’ll be having half your plate divided between protein sand grains, with the other half consisting of vegetables and fruits.  Dairy will be a small serving on the side to add extra protein and calcium.
This much smaller dedication to grain products is going to help to combat diabetes along with many other negative health conditions associated with a very large carb intake.
So there you have the primary points to consider as you move into 2012. Follow these and you can feel confident your diet will be better because of them. 

Click on image below.


Phen375 diet plans

Phen375 delivers best results and will maximise your weight loss when used with an appropriate diet plan.  To help you lose weight fast the team at Phen375 have built a range of meal plans to help you achieve success. 
Each of the meal plans are tailored specifically to work for you.  Whether you are a man or a woman, exercising or not exercising there is a plan for you. 
And importantly your meal plan won’t stay the same for the duration of your diet.  As you lose weight, you burn less calories through exercise than you did before.  So the Phen375 meal plans are based on your weight to make sure that you are burning more calories in exercise than you consume.
You can only get the official diet plans directly from the Phen375 official site.  However we’ve managed to get a sample of the Active Female diet plan to share with you.

But why do I need a diet plan if I’m taking Phen375?
Any doctor or diet expert will tell you that to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you eat.  Phen375 will help you to lose on average 3-5lbs per week in weight.  It does this in 2 ways:
1)      appetite suppression - helping you to eat less without feeling hungry and avoid cravings
2)      fat burning - increasing your metabolic rate to help you burn more calories
By taking Phen375 twice a day, drinking plenty of water and sticking as closely as possible to your meal plan you can guarantee you’ll be on the road to success. 

Phen375 active female diet plan sample
Monday Week 1:
6 egg whites
1 tbsp olive oil
1 banana
6 egg whites
1 tbsp olive oil
1 banana
6 egg whites
1 tbsp olive oil
1 banana
1 slice of whole grain bread
6 egg whites
1 tbsp olive oil
1 banana
1 slice of whole grain bread
6 egg whites
1 tbsp olive oil
1 banana
1 slice of whole grain bread
½ cup Greek Yogurt
2 tbsp flaxseeds
½ cup Greek Yogurt
1 cup blueberries
2 tbsp flaxseeds
½ cup Greek Yogurt
1 cup blueberries
2 tbsp flaxseeds
½ cup Greek Yogurt
1 cup blueberries
2 tbsp flaxseeds
½ cup Greek Yogurt
1 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
2 tbsp flaxseeds
3 oz chicken breast
1 small whole wheat tortilla
Sliced veggies
1 tbsp olive oil salad dressing
3 oz chicken breast
1 small whole wheat tortilla
Sliced veggies
1 tbsp olive oil salad dressing
3 oz chicken breast
1 small whole wheat tortilla
Sliced veggies
1 tbsp olive oil salad dressing
1 orange
6 oz chicken breast
1 small whole wheat tortilla
Sliced veggies
1 tbsp olive oil salad dressing
1 orange
6 oz chicken breast
1 small whole wheat tortilla
Sliced veggies
1 tbsp olive oil salad dressing
1 orange
1 scoop whey protein powder
10 almonds
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 apple
10 almonds
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 apple
10 almonds
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 apple
10 almonds
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 apple
1 banana
10 almonds
3 oz lean steak
5 spears asparagus
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
3 oz lean steak
5 spears asparagus
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
6 oz lean steak
5 spears asparagus
1 small sweet potato
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
6 oz lean steak
5 spears asparagus
1 small sweet potato
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup strawberries
6 oz lean steak
5 spears asparagus
1 small sweet potato
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup strawberries
Before Bed
½ cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
½ cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
½ cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
½ cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
½ cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 tbsp natural peanut butter


Maintenance Tips: Succeed With Keeping Weight Off

One of the most important things that you must do after you’ve finished your fat loss plan is move into successful maintenance.  Really, a diet is not successful unless it allows you to keep the weight off that you’ve lost for good.  Otherwise, you just found a temporary fix to a long-term problem.
Many people do often struggle with maintenance which is why they find themselves back in the diet seat shortly after they come off their diet plan.
Fortunately, with a few key tricks you can succeed with maintaining your new body and enjoy all the hard work that you put in.
Let’s have a quick peak at some of the top maintenance tips to remember.
Keep A Tight Weight Range
The very first thing that successful maintainers do is set a narrow weight range that they will allow themselves to fluctuate between.  For instance, if your goal weight is 125 pounds, you might only let yourself get up to 128 before you start taking action.
Remember, it’s far easier to shed 3 pounds of weight gained with a few simple diet modifications than it is to shed 20 that you’ve let yourself gain back.
As soon as you see yourself creeping upwards, take action and tighten up your diet or a week.  It’ll be gone in no time.
Diet During The Week
The second thing that you might consider to help you with maintenance is to maintain a lower calorie intake during the week.  What this does is creates a mini-calorie deficit that you can then use during the weekend when you are more social and the chances of you consuming more calories are greater.
Since most people do struggle with the weekends a lot more than weekdays, this gives you some leeway for going out to social functions or just treating yourself to something that you desire.
Maintain Your Exercise Levels
Another key thing for successful maintenance is making sure that you maintain your exercise levels.  Exercise is one of the biggest factors that will predict long-term weight maintenance so stick with that workout program.
This will help you maintain a higher metabolic rate overall to prevent fat gain and also help you maintain lean muscle mass, which naturally burns more calories all day long.
Indulge Once Per Day
Finally, if you decide that you do need to treat yourself on any given day, make sure that you limit yourself to just one treat per day. If you let yourself get too out of control and are treating here and there all day long, it will add up to weight gain.
If you’re craving chocolate, have a small piece, enjoy it, and then put the box away.  A 100 calorie treat really won’t have much influence on your weight but six or seven of them will.  Remember that and you’ll keep yourself in check.

So there you have the top things to note for successful maintenance.  If you work hard at it and make sure you keep yourself accountable, you can maintain your new body for years to come. 

Click below on Phen 375 for more information.


Sunday 15 February 2015


Garcinia Cambogia works as a fat-burner, appetite suppressant and mood enhancer. This powerful combination allows people to lose weight easily.

The supplement is extracted from the rind of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit (a small pumpkin shaped fruit sometimes called a tamarind) and has been around for a long time which makes experts feel “comfortable about the safety.” Doctors say their studies showed an increase in weight loss 2 to 3 times more than those not taking any Garcinia Cambogia Extract, which resulted in up to 10 pounds or more per month without change to diet or exercise.
Garcinia Cambogia is a “Dual Action Fat Buster” that suppresses appetite and prevents fat from being made.
Advanced Health LTD

Lower and maintain normal cholesterol levels.

LowerolLowerol is a fantastic food supplement containing red rice yeast to lower and maintain normal cholesterol levels. It has unique, plant-based formula, is 100 % natural and contains clinically proven ingredients. It can be used to get cholesterol under control to avoid being prescribed statins (synthetic, chemical drugs used to treat high cholesterol) as it is very unlikely to cause unpleasant side effects like statins. Lowerol is produced by Napiers - one of the oldest and leading natural healthcare and herbal medicine companies in Britain.