
Thursday 29 August 2013

Smart Moves To Reduce Hypertension

If you’re currently overweight or even just battling a few extra pounds, it’s worthwhile to sit up and take note of what you can do to speed up your rate of progress at shedding those for good. Obesity is one of the leading causes of a number of conditions in today’s world and rates are currently on the rise. One of the conditions that is very prevalent in the US population is hypertension, which is quite interconnected with obesity as well. As of 2010, 28.6% of the population reported suffering from hypertension, and possibly more alarming, 81.9% were fully aware of it. This means that even those most people know they are experiencing the condition, they aren’t taking action steps to control it as best as they could. Less than 50% of those reported to know about their hypertension are taking serious action steps to reduce it, so it’s time to make sure that you are not one of those statistics. Let’s look at what you should be doing to help reduce your risk or level of hypertension today. Eat More Fresh Produce The first and very important step to take to help you combat hypertension is to eat more fresh produce in your diet plan. Fruits and vegetables are naturally sodium free so they should be consumed in abundance with each and every meal you eat. They should form the basis of your diet, making up around 40-50% of your total food intake. Watch Out For ‘Hidden’ Sodium Next, also be sure that you’re on the lookout for hidden sources of sodium. Many people are aware that they shouldn’t be using high amounts of table salt or spices that are high in sodium, but they overlook other sources in their diet such as cheeses and other dairy products, canned foods, and sometimes even breakfast cereals. Start reading labels so that you can get the full information of how much sodium all of your foods contain. Sometimes sodium lurks in the most unsuspecting places, so this may prove to be quite the eye-opening experience for you. Eat Healthy Fats Finally, make sure that you are eating a higher amount of healthy fats in your diet as well. Healthy fats will help to combat high blood pressure and also promote a healthier heart, so are a must have to be taking in. The best sources of healthy fats to focus on include nuts and natural nut butter, seeds, avocado’s, fatty fish, along with olive oil and flaxseed oil. Coconut fat, while a saturated variety is also great to take in to help boost heart health. In addition to eating right, also be sure to use a weight loss supplement such as Adiphene, which can help to stop hunger pains and boost your metabolic rate, allowing fat loss to take place at a faster rate overall. If you take these steps, you should be able to put hypertension behind you.

Monday 26 August 2013

The 5:2 Diet. 5:2 v’s 4:3

If you are seeking guaranteed weight loss, we highly recommend the Fasting Diet. This diet is only calorie restricted for two or three days per week, depending on which formula you chose to follow. On the non-fasting days you are able to consume food as normal. On your fasting days you will consume food at a restricted rate, keeping to 500/600 calories. This revolutionary diet is a desirable approach to shedding pounds along with being an easier solution for most people to reach their target. Depending on how quickly you are wishing to lose your excess weight will decipher whether you would follow the 5:2 or the 4:3 diet.

The 5:2 diet is one of the most popular diets around, with clear strict rules to follow. This means cutting the overall weekly calorie intake by 25% and only having to fast for two days out of seven. This is recommended to follow for the long term or even for life due to the proven health benefits. It can help cut the risk of type-2 diabetes and heart disease. This is just a few of the reasons for this becoming highly popular. It is not necessarily a "quick fix" diet, but it is very easy to stick to. Having the ability not to overindulge, but eat food you like on normal days whilst still being able to consume food (500/600 calories) on the days which you fast makes it a much more appealing diet for many people. Remember that perseverance is key and once you have brought this into practice, you will very quickly be appreciating the rewards, as not only will you be losing your desired weight, you will feel the health benefits along with having a vast amount of energy.

 The 4:3 diet is equivalent to the 5:2 diet, only you will be applying an additional day of fasting into your week, which will allow for a speedier loss of weight. The 4:3 formula is a tougher diet to follow and would be recommended for quick weight loss. Perhaps for an event which is approaching, or for health reasons. If your motivation is for health reasons, you should consult your doctor for medical advice prior to commencing a method that is for rapid and effective weight loss. Our advice would be to action the 4:3 once you have been following the 5:2 plan, making it a gentler approach. This will prepare you for the intensity of the 4:3 diet. Some people initially chose to be on this diet for rapid weight loss for the first week or two prior to following the 5:2 Fast Diet, as only restricting your calories for two days per week is definitely manageable. With so many recommended low calorie meals and snacks on offer, this will allow you to still consume your three main meals within the fasting days.

 If you feel apprehensive about commencing either of the two diets due to the calorie restricted days, there are many ways of suppressing the appetite. Effective methods include drinking plenty of water and choosing foods wisely. Foods that are high in protein for example, triggers the production of the full-up hormone in the brain. There are many books that offer self- management towards reaching goals and advising alternative strategies when you feel that you may-be heading for failure. There is also the option of incorporating the 5:2 Fast Formula into your diet. Simply, by taking 2 capsules 30 minutes prior to your main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will suppress your appetite, reducing cravings and feelings of hunger allowing you to get trim with a little less effort.

 The 5:2 Fast Formula is a unique proprietary blend appetite suppressant derived from the root of the konjac plant. Combined with everyday vitamins such as B2 and B12 as well as minerals, such as Iron and Copper. The Fast Formula is designed to manage your appetite, calorie intake and help replace many of the vitamins and nutrients that are normally sacrificed when following a fasting diet. This will also help to curb your appetite on normal eating days, helping towards further weight loss as it creates a feeling of fullness due to having water-binding effects. You can significantly control your urge to snack between meals and also reduce the risk of tiredness which is a common complaint of fasting.
5:2 Fast Formula

Sunday 25 August 2013

The Fast Diet - Frequently Asked Questions

Q - Is the 2-Day Diet just “yo-yo” dieting?

A - NO – Unlike one of the more conventional diets where, you end up dipping in and out of it (sometimes dieting and other times not), with the 2-day diet you will be altering your lifestyle to a two-day restriction every week whilst maintaining a healthy diet in-between, therefore, not causing a feeling of deprivation which is one of the main causes for people to relapse.

Q – ‘Why two days?’
A – Two days is enough to reduce your overall calorie intake and retrain your eating habits. Research has also shown for this to have beneficial effects on the metabolism along with reducing the risk of disease. Remember that due to it only being two days per week, its more achievable!

Q - ‘Do I have to diet for two consecutive days?’
A – Two separate days are fine for weight loss, although you may find doing the two consecutive days easier as you will be in the habit of eating less and could even have additional health benefits due to providing a prolonged period when the body is in a healthier metabolic state.

Q – I am worried that I will binge on the five unrestricted days?
A – Through our conducted research, dieters were pleasantly surprised that they were not tempted to binge on their unrestricted days. One of the key factors to the diet was that our volunteers were astounded at how they felt that it appeared that their appetite had been reset and their eating behaviour had been retrained throughout the whole week.

5:2 Fast Formula

Friday 9 August 2013


The wonderful benefit which comes with the 5:2 diet is that in theory you will not be fasting on the fasting days. Indeed, you could actually have a large burger and endless cups of black coffee on a calorie restricted day and still be within your calorie allowance. Clearly this would not be good for you and instead should be looking at using common sense regarding foods you are consuming on your fasting day to make balanced and healthy choices.

Water is the perfect slim line filler, either drank on its own to temporarily take the edge off a hunger pang or, more particularly, incorporated within food to increase satiety (the feeling of fullness which is gained from eating food). Chunky soups plus lots of fruit and veg can work particularly well on a fast day because they’ll help to make your stomach feel full. Foods such as fruit and veg as these foods are bulky and low in calories, take up plenty of room on your plate (a psychological boost).
Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, watercress, rocket, broccoli and cabbage are particularly low in calories, as are berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and redcurrants. Tomatoes, peppers, orange-fleshed melons and butternut squash join the low-calorie corner. Foods containing protein is also advisable as when protein is released into the gut, a hormone known as PYY is produced, which is believed to decrease hunger. So upping the amount of protein in the diet will increase the body’s own supply of PYY, helping to reduce hunger and perhaps aiding in weight loss, foods such as soy beans, chicken, tuna, squash and pumpkin seeds are all high sources of this nutrient.
Airy foods take up more space on our plate (psychologically, it feels like you’re being presented with more food). For example, if you really must have a desert, why not try a small pot of whipped mousse which can have fewer than 80 calories.

Protein-rich foods are particularly good at inducing that full feeling. It is possible that they stimulate the release of hunger-controlling hormones in the gut. The protein in eggs is a good food source for filling you up. Porridge is a great choice for keeping you full for several hours as they are a wholegrain which is now proven to keeping you fuller for longer. To keep calories down make porridge with water or skimmed milk.
Wholegrain versions of breakfast cereals, breads, pasta, rice and noodles take longer to chew and are more satisfying, as the fibre they contain provides bulk but no calories. Fibre also has a slowing effect on the passage of food through the gut, which has the effect of keeping you fuller for longer. The portion size of bread or pasta you can have on a fast day is to be small, but choosing a brown, not white version can help to make it more filling. Altering rice/pasta for salad leaves is a good alternative to save calories.

Focus on whole foods. On average, foods that aren’t highly processed, pre-packaged or high in sugar will tend to be lower GI and keep your blood sugar levels on a more even keel.
Building up an accurate picture of what actually constitutes 500 or 600 calories is one of the most educational and interesting aspects of the 5:2 diet. It can help you understand what constitutes a healthy portion and might also give a clue as to why you ended up needing to lose a few pounds in the first place.

It is important on the fast day not to second guess portion sizes as this shall almost certainly calculate incorrectly and jeopardise weight loss. By serving slightly larger amounts of food could add over 100 calories to the recommended amount which could destroy the benefits of the fasting day.

Two Typical Fast Day Meal Planners

·         Breakfast: 1 poached egg on half a slice of wholemeal toast spread with 1 teaspoon of low-fat spread and 1 medium tomato grilled (163 calories)

·          Lunch/Snack: 1 rounded tablespoon (30g) of tzatziki with 100g cucumber and red pepper sticks (60 calories)

·         Dinner: Thai Noodles with Tofu (276 calories)


·         Breakfast: Red Fruit Salad with 50g Greek yoghurt ( 132 calories)

·         Lunch/Snack: 2 clementines (44 calories)

·         Dinner: Grilled Sea Bass with Cherry Tomatoes with steamed broccoli and spinach and 70g boiled new potatoes in their skins (330 calories)
 TOTAL 506 calories
Snacks That are 100 Calories or Less:

1.       1 slice of parma ham wrapped around a breadstick – 58 calories

2.       1 medium apple – 53 calories

3.       1 round tablespoon of tzatziki with 100g cucumber and red pepper sticks – 60 calories

4.       1 rye crispbread with 30 g light soft cheese – 82 calories

5.       2 clementines and 1 kiwifruit – 73 calories

6.       300g shop bought fresh carrot and coriander soup – 89 calories

7.       1 small glass (150ml) low fat strawberry milkshake – 90 calories

8.       1 slice of fruit loaf – 98 calories

9.       1 hard- boiled egg: 84 calories

10.    15g salted popcorn: 83 calories

Snacks That are 50 Calories or Less:

1.       1 slice of cantaloupe melon - 23 calories

2.       80g apple and grape snack pack - 45 calories

3.       50g cooked jumbo prawns with a squeeze of lemon – 42 calories

4.       1 ginger nut biscuit – 47 calories

5.       3 seafood sticks – 50 calories

6.       ½ cup (80g) mango cubes – 46 calories

7.       2 slices of wafer-thin ham wrapped round a celery stick – 43 calories

8.       100g cherry tomatoes – 20 calories

9.       2 Melba toasts  spread with 1 level teaspoon of reduced-sugar jam – 34 calories

10.    1 mini pork salami sausage – 38 calories

10 Guilt-Free Treats

1.       6 medium strawberries with 12.5g serving of aerosol cream – 85 calories

2.       50g gradvalax with sauce – 90 calories

3.       175g pot ready-to-eat sugar-free cranberry and raspberry jelly with 80g raspberries – 33 calories

4.       15g cocoa-dusted almonds – 84 calories

5.       1 slice of Parma ham with 3 watermelon balls – 48 calories

6.       10g (around 2 lumps) crystallized ginger – 37 calories

7.       1 small juicy nectarine topped with 2 rounded tablespoons (60g/21/2 oz) of 0% Greek yoghurt with honey – 95 calories

8.       2 mini spring rolls – 90 calories

9.       2 poppadoms – 100 calories

10.    250g (8oz) shop-bought shell-on mussels in garlic butter sauce – 75 calories
5:2 Fast Formula

Sunday 4 August 2013

What is 5:2 Fast Diet?

If you are someone who has tried and failed to lose weight, or you’ve shed extra pounds, only to pile them back on again – this is the diet for you.

The 5:2 Day Diet is a brand new, research-based approach to weight loss. This is a simple diet where you will fast for two days per week followed by eating as normal for the additional five. As well as the obvious reason for choosing to diet you can improve your health significantly by cutting risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers.
If someone has tried and failed to lose excess weight or shed the pounds only to pile them back on again, then the 5:2 Fast Diet would be the answer to this recurring common issue. This revolutionary diet teaches how hunger feels and what a normal serving looks like. You will learn to eat more slowly, appreciate smaller amounts and really enjoy your food on both the two restricted days and the five unrestricted days. You will rediscover how much food you actually need. The diet has been designed to follow two restricted days out of seven which will help you to identify what triggers you to over-eat at times. This system shall also lead you away from unhelpful and possibly harmful patterns of eating.
Muscle does in-fact target fat and good diets preserve the muscle whilst targeting fat. Even when muscle is resting it will carry on working at burning calories. This proven theory turns the conventional dieting methods completely on its head, offering an alternative approach to losing weight, the 5:2 diet is easy to follow, allowing you to escape the mundane regime of a seven day a week diet - which will ultimately be abandoned due to eventually losing the will along with constantly thinking about what can and can’t be eaten, being perpetually aware that you are on a DIET which is doomed to fail.
It is recommended that on the five normal eating days of the week, a healthier approach should be taken towards the food that is eaten although this will occur naturally as you will become conscious of what your body needs in terms of a more nutritionally balanced diet will ensure all essential vitamins, minerals and protein requirements are met.
Hunger pangs only last for a short period and with this diet, you will learn that hunger, is only a fleeting feeling and can soon be supressed with a drink of water, green tea or coffee. Within no time it will just get easier and easier. With 5:2, a quarter of the recommended daily intake of calories is required. For men this is usually around 600 calories and for women around 500 calories. It will become clear that rather than being on another fad diet this will be referred to as a lifestyle change.
To break this down in laymen’s terms, the 5:2 Diet is basically consuming no more than 500/600 calories twice per week, which is not technically fasting. The calorie intake can be split into two or three very low calorie meals or, taken altogether as one larger meal. The additional 5 days should be followed as a normal lifestyle, although keeping to a healthy, nutritious balanced diet is always going to be highly recommended.
5:2 Fast Formula

Saturday 3 August 2013

Re-code your body

Not simply a revolutionary “weight control” aid, re-code promises to re-balance those pesky hormones, fight the effects of aging, eliminate excess water; and stimulate intestinal functions. And this ladies, is only touching the surface…
……Re-code your body and remind it of how well your body responded when you were younger…….
re-code is the product designed to achieve results by focusing on the problem’s root cause- -hormonal imbalances- rather than the symptoms- weight increase.
A women’s body is a very sensitive organism, constantly undergoing changes, which are manifested both on a monthly cyclical basis, and in various phases of life. Each woman, in her heart, is well aware that hormones are responsible for her shape and the changes to her body since her birth. Once past 30, our hormonal path doesn’t stay constant; it starts showing progressive inconsistencies which are so slow they re almost unnoticeable.
This is the main reason for accumulation of excess fatty tissue in certain critical areas, such as arms, hips, waist and thighs.
Beneficial Ingredients
3energy (Zuccari’s patent)

  • Isoflavins, Lacitic Ferments & Phlorizine
  • Dandelion + Equisetum -The perfect duo for drainage & puification
  • Rhubarb + Prebiotic Fibre- The stimulating duo for the gastro-intestinal functioning
  • Collagen + Fermented Papaya- Bosom buddies for an anti-aging effect, both inside and out
Mode of Use
Re-code is easy to use- simply dilute 25ml of product in at least 1L of water and drink throughout the day. Apart from the product benefits, you’ll be surprised how great you’ll feel after 1 weeks consumption of water.

coming soon WH

Walnut eaters reduce risk of dying from heart disease

A research study team based in Spain has published the result of their research in the journal, BMC Medicine that explains that those who eat nuts more than three times a week had a reduced risk of dying from cancer or cardiovascular disease than non-nut eaters. To conduct their research, scientists looked at the effect on the prevention of cardiovascular disease when the participants were put on a Mediterranean diet with extra nuts and extra virgin olive oil, compared with a control group following a low-fat diet.

The scientists analysed more than 7,000 people aged between 55 and 90 years, and divided them into two groups based on adherence to a Mediterranean style diet that included nuts, and especially walnuts, or those following a low-fat diet. The team found that people who eat more than three servings of nuts (1 serving equal approximately one ounce) a week had a 55 per cent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 40 per cent reduced risk of death from cancer.

Find out more

Recommended reading Topic of Cancer