
Friday 15 April 2016

The Importance of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are naturally occurring hero compounds that help to neutralise the harmful free radicals that can build up in our bodies. These free radicals attack things like our essential fats, proteins and DNA and therefore can cause harmful diseases and unfortunately, speed up the aging process!
Therefore, an essential component of detoxing with NutriPlan is consuming lots and lots of antioxidants!

How can I avoid free radicals?
Studies strongly suggest that fast food, low activity levels, stress, frozen meals and fizzy drinks can increase our exposure to free radicals. However, there are circumstances where free radical production is undeniable and often avoidable
For example:
· Smoking and second-hand smoke
· Alcohol consumption
· Excess exposure to UV light
· Radiation
Where do I find antioxidants?
An awesome source of antioxidants is Matcha Tea. Matcha has up to 15 times as many antioxidants as Matcha Tea. Other sources include blueberries, raspberries, apples, broccoli, and spinach – to name just a few! Sources of antioxidants are diverse, more favourably they can be found in red wine and dark chocolate.

How NutriPlan can help…
NutriPlan's carefully designed plans will flood your body with antioxidants. By making these smart food choices and adding supplements that help to combat oxidation, you will complete a healthy and highly beneficial detox.

For example, the NutriPlan Superstack is a nutrient-dense capsule, loaded with ingredients known for increasing your antioxidant levels. For instance, Aloe Vera, Goji Berries, and Coenzyme Q10.

Derived from berries, Acai Berry is praised as a superfood for it’s incredibly high level of antioxidants. Add it to your berry-based smoothies for the ultimate antioxidant kick!

Nutri Plan program has a detailed schedule of the best moment to drink  herbal teas, prepare powders and take  capsules, in order to get the most out of them. This ensures your body receives a constant and consistent amount of antioxidants to help detox your body and fight free radicals.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Smart Moves To Reduce Hypertension

If you’re currently overweight or even just battling a few extra pounds, it’s worthwhile to sit up and take note of what you can do to speed up your rate of progress at shedding those for good.
Obesity is one of the leading causes of a number of conditions in today’s world and rates are currently on the rise.

One of the conditions that is very prevalent in the US population is hypertension, which is quite interconnected with obesity as well.  As of 2010, 28.6% of the population reported suffering from hypertension, and possibly more alarming, 81.9% were fully aware of it.  This means that even those most people know they are experiencing the condition, they aren’t taking action steps to control it as best as they could.  Less than 50% of those reported to know about their hypertension are taking serious action steps to reduce it, so it’s time to make sure that you are not one of those statistics.

Let’s look at what you should be doing to help reduce your risk or level of hypertension today.

Eat More Fresh Produce
The first and very important step to take to help you combat hypertension is to eat more fresh produce in your diet plan.  Fruits and vegetables are naturally sodium free so they should be consumed in abundance with each and every meal you eat.
They should form the basis of your diet, making up around 40-50% of your total food intake.

Watch Out For ‘Hidden’ Sodium
Next, also be sure that you’re on the lookout for hidden sources of sodium. Many people are aware that they shouldn’t be using high amounts of table salt or spices that are high in sodium, but they overlook other sources in their diet such as cheeses and other dairy products, canned foods, and sometimes even breakfast cereals.
Start reading labels so that you can get the full information of how much sodium all of your foods contain.  Sometimes sodium lurks in the most unsuspecting places, so this may prove to be quite the eye-opening experience for you.

Eat Healthy Fats
Finally, make sure that you are eating a higher amount of healthy fats in your diet as well. Healthy fats will help to combat high blood pressure and also promote a healthier heart, so are a must have to be taking in.

The best sources of healthy fats to focus on include nuts and natural nut butter, seeds, avocado’s, fatty fish, along with olive oil and flaxseed oil.  Coconut fat, while a saturated variety is also great to take in to help boost heart health.
In addition to eating right, also be sure to use a weight loss supplement such as Adiphene, which can help to stop hunger pains and boost your metabolic rate, allowing fat loss to take place at a faster rate overall.

If you take these steps, you should be able to put hypertension behind you.


Monday 4 April 2016

Weight loss and health benefits of Forskolin

Forskolin is a herb that has a number of medicinal properties. It comes from the same family as mint, and the root of the plant has been used in herbal and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is thought that the root can treat a range of health issues, including asthma, cancer, heart conditions and glaucoma. In addition, some herbal medicine proponents believe that forskolin can be used to promote fat loss.

How Forskolin Helps Weight Loss
According to the results of a study published in the “Obesity” journal in 2005, overweight men who took two doses of forskolin per day saw an increase in their bone mass and a decrease in their body fat percentage. However, when a similar study was conducted on overweight women, such changes in body fat composition were not seen. It is encouraging to note, however, that forskolin appeared to help to prevent the overweight women from gaining additional weight.

Forskolin works by increasing the body’s natural rate of testosterone production and boosting your metabolism. Testosterone plays an important role in muscle building for both men and women. People who have higher levels of testosterone tend to be more likely to hold on to muscle and burn fat when they are in a calorie deficit.

How Much Forskolin Should You Take?
The average person should take 125g which is the key concentration required for fat burning results and optimal health benefits. However, before you start, you should always speak to your doctor to find out what the correct dose is for you.

Other Health Benefits
Forskolin is primarily used as a weight loss aid, but it does have other beneficial properties. It acts as a vasodilator, which means that it can improve your circulation, speeding up recovery times between exercise sessions and also helping to increase your vascularity; which may be a positive if you are a bodybuilder.
In addition, the testosterone boosting effects of Forskolin can help you to sleep better, giving you more physical and mental energy, making you more alert and helping to ensure that your immune system is always functioning optimally.

The weight loss benefits are the strongest and most obvious, however. By reducing your body fat percentage, you reduce your risk of suffering from a range of metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Your risk of suffering from a stroke or heart disease is also reduced.

Forskolin is a natural supplement that offers a huge range of potential benefits. If you are struggling to lose fat through calorie restriction alone then it makes sense to give Forskolin a try. It carries fewer side-effects than stimulants and conventional medicine, and has proven to be effective, especially for men who are looking to lose weight.
Evolution Slimming