
Saturday 17 June 2017

How to lose weight fast with a good diet plan is a science-based 15-day weight loss program that can help people lose up to 15 pounds in 15 days. By offering genuine, fast weight loss this diet program increases motivation which helps people stick to the plan, develop new habits and maintain lifestyle changes for long term results. also offers a perfect solution for anyone looking to lose weight quickly ahead of a vacation or wedding. comprises a series of five downloadable guides that together cover all aspects required for successful weight loss:
The Diet Guide includes 15 days of meal plans suitable for meat eaters, vegans and vegetarians, as well as fat burning strategies and simple science based nutrition and weight loss information.
The best part is you can get the Program for about as much as a month’s membership at your local gym, or about one-third of the cost of a personal training session with an expert trainer.

For just a little money for the entire system, you can receive the keys to rapid weight loss and long-term weight management.


Download a sample guide here 

Monday 8 May 2017


Finally, a supplement pack made just for women

Super-charge your workouts, and become fit and toned within just 30 days using the Blackwolf Women’s Pack. This all-in-one supplement pack includes just the right quantities a woman needs for pre-workout, intra-workout and post-workout, plus free bonus items.

Tailored specifically for women, the Blackwolf Huntress Pack offers an entire workout supplement solution to help you train harder and achieve better results.

At long last, a supplement stack designed for women! We have combined 3 of our all-in-one Blackwolf Power Blend™ supplements to create the ultimate pre-intra-post supplement pack. This pack is perfect for women who want to maximize their results from every visit to the gym. You get everything you need to achieve your body transformation goals in a healthy, safe way.

While each of these blends work to produce results by themselves, together they are even more powerful. Get into the pre-workout zone with TRAIL, maintain your energy levels during intense training sessions with HUNT, and enhance your recovery time and strength gains with ELIMINATE. You will see real results, including more power, strength and lean muscle formation.

For more information just click on the banner below.


Tuesday 25 April 2017

Monday 24 April 2017

Amazing Watches for Sale

Some amazing watches for sale

Jade Jagger Designer Jewellery

Jade Jagger Women's 925 Sterling Silver Black Rhodium Plated Chrysophrase Cabochon and White Diamonds Water Necklace of 50 cm.

Buy now in the Amazon Store.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Quit Procrastinating and Get Motivated!

How many times have you heard the famous words, “The diet starts tomorrow” or “I can’t be bothered to go to the gym tonight, I’ll go in the morning” or “I do really want to lose weight but....”
Maybe you’ve made statements like that or you’ve heard someone else saying them. It’s a common thing.

Here’s the problem though, “wanting” to do something is not actually doing it though, is it? People are good at coming up with lots of reasons for putting things off but in doing that they are not taking action and therefore not creating the results they claim they want.

If you don’t do it what will life be like 2 years from now? What will life be like 5 years from now? What will life be like 10 years from now? I’m guessing if you don’t do anything, then it’s going to be significantly less satisfying than it currently is and you may be left with fewer choices about what you can do.

The future can be anyway you want it, because it hasn’t happen yet. So you have a golden opportunity now to take action to get on a path to creating what you want. That’s exciting!
It’s easy to get started too.  Let’s have a look at our 5 Top Tips for Eliminating Procrastination for Your Weight Loss Success

#1 First thing to do is make a plan. That includes a work out plan and a diet plan, plus supplements to assist you in your success. Set some goals that are realistic and make them short range goals to start with, that will automatically kick start your motivation. How many pounds can you realistically lose in the next week? Make sure you write your goals on paper or create a file for your goals on your laptop or computer.

#2 Now, set some longer range goals. What could you achieve 1 month from now, 3 months from now, 6 months from now and 1 year from now. As you think as each goal imagine what you will look like at each stage, what will you be saying to yourself, how amazing will you feel because of all that you have achieved?

#3 Create a diet plan or hire an expert to design a diet plan for you. Plan out your meals, create a shopping list and then get only the items on the list. It’s fair easier to stick to a diet plan when the food is already in the refrigerator!

#4 Create or hire an expert to design a work out plan for you. By the way, it doesn’t mean that you have to bust a gut in the gym everyday! Again the plan needs to be realistic and experiment with what activities and sports you take part in to find out what works well for you. The key is to get moving.

#5 Get a buddy! Finding some support is a great way to maintain your motivation. Ask a friend or your partner to join you for your work outs or walks in the park. Having to be accountable to someone else is a great personality trait to draw on and can assist you to stay motivated with you diet and work out plans.

The key is to take action and get started!


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Monday 10 April 2017

How to Quit Smoking and Avoid Weight Gain

A lot of people use weight gain as an excuse to maintain their smoking habit. Some people fear that is they quit smoking then they will automatically pile on the extra pounds. This doesn’t have to be true for you! If you approach quitting smoking with a different mindset and adopt these recommended strategies you can successfully quit smoking and also avoid gaining weight.

Let’s take a look at how this works:
Nicotine speeds up your metabolic rate, so when you quit smoking and you no longer have that nicotine in your system then your metabolic rate can slow down. So first of all you need to find a new way to increase your metabolic rate in a healthy way. E.g. PHEN375 fat burning supplement is an effective and safe was to boost your metabolic rate instead.
Smoking is also a behavior that causes the person to use their hands and involves then putting a cigarette in their mouth. So sometimes when an individual quits smoking, they unconsciously look for and find a replacement for using their hands and having something in their mouth. The common replacement for these behaviors is to pick up food and eat it! What can happen then is the person uses food repeatedly as a substitute for smoking and with the increase of food in their system the extra calories end up being stored as fat.

Exercise Can Help You
Taking up exercise and working out is an easy and obvious way to help you to lose weight and avoid the discomfort of weight gain from quitting smoking. It’s a proven strategy for people wanting to quit successful, to include exercise in your schedule. There are many benefits to exercise; we listed some of the most exciting ones below:
1.       You’ll feel positive – exercise is a proven way to make you feel great
2.       Exercise reduces stress
3.       Exercise is an effective way to eliminate cravings for cigarettes
4.       Exercise is a great for getting rid of depression
5.       Boost your motivation and confidence by taking exercise
6.        Exercise is a marvellous way to improve your physical performance and the condition of your body
By incorporating exercise into your plan, you are reinforcing your commitment to creating a healthy body and lifestyle for yourself. Here are some ideas for exercise that will get you through anytime you have a craving for a cigarette:
 Boost your metabolic rate and with a craving busting 10 minute walk.
Keep on track by taking the stairs instead of the elevator and burn some extra calories each day.
Stay fit at work by fitting in an express workout at the gym during lunchtime.

Incorporating a Health Diet for Your Success
As well as adopting exercise as part of your quit smoking and weight loss strategy for success, you should incorporate a healthy diet in this equation. Cut out all the sweets and fatty food which are not your friends because they are high calorie offenders! If you fancy a cigarette because you feel the need to occupy your hands and have something in your mouth, opt for a low calorie and healthy alternative instead. Here are some useful suggestions:
  • Snack on dried fruit and nuts
  • Chew sugar free gym
  • Avoid fast food restaurants
Choose to munch on celery or carrot sticks for a guilt free option.

Increase your water intake; keep yourself hydrated with calorie free water!

By creating a plan and organize your time and also organize what’s in your refrigerator and your desk, so that you have healthy food options available to you. Plus have a plan for if you have a craving for a cigarette with a strategy in place for what you are going to do instead. By planning and preparing you will be able to focus on creating the healthy changes that you want without smoking and without gaining weight.

Supplements may help you achieve your goal, click on the banner below for more information.


Saturday 8 April 2017

Appetite Suppressing Tips

When it comes to losing weight, resisting the temptation to snack has to be one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. If you’re new to dieting this can be a big mountain to climb, as when you diet, you typically eat less than usual and it can take a while for the body to adjust to fewer calories.
Here are some tips to follow that can help to suppress food cravings and stop you feeling as hungry between meals so that you stand a fighting chance of losing weight;
·         Drink Plenty Of Water
We know the importance of drinking water every day; it is beneficial for the skin, helps to rid the body of toxins and other nasties etc. Drinking a glass of water or any low calorie beverage before or after a meal will make us feel ‘full’ and decrease the urge to eat.
·         Do Some Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise helps to condition the cardiovascular system. ‘Aerobic’ means ‘with oxygen’ which means that breathing controls the amount of oxygen that gets to the muscles to help them burn fuel and move. Not only will aerobic exercise help you lose weight, it also can help to change your body’s hormone levels and this can help to temporarily suppress your appetite. Examples of aerobic exercise includes; Swimming, rowing, cycling and using an elliptical trainer.
·         Have Some Soup Before A Meal
Having a small portion of low-calorie soup can promote the feeling of satiety in the stomach, by eating a small bowl of soup before a meal you will feel more satisfied and eat less. Any fluid even beverages such as Green tea can help to suppress appetite and help you consume less food at meal times.
·         Chew Sugar-free Gum
When we chew gum, the action of chewing stimulates eating that sends a message to the receptors in our brain that eating has already taken place. If you snack between meals when you get bored or stressed, sugar-free chewing gum can help not only suppress appetite but prevent feelings of hunger and boredom. It’s also good for promoting good oral hygiene as it increases saliva production
·         Add Hot Peppers To Your Meals
Hot peppers can cause a spike in the metabolism and because of the fluid you end up consuming because of the spicy heat, this can effectively help to suppress appetite.  Adding a few peppers to your breakfast, for example, with your eggs or including a few chopped peppers in a sandwich at lunchtime can not only make meals more interesting it can also help to keep your appetite at bay.

·         Start Your Day With Protein
Lean protein is harder for the body to digest and absorb. Research has proven that those who include lean protein (egg whites, low-fat yoghurt, bacon) in their breakfast will keep you satisfied for longer than if you consumed protein at other times of the day. It’s recommended that you consume one ounce of protein in your breakfast.

·         Embrace A Little Fat
Unsaturated fats including natural peanut butter and Oleic acid can help to suppress appetite as during digestion it’s converted into a compound it triggers a feeling of fullness in the brain. Consuming 1 ounce of nuts, some avocado and two tablespoons of natural peanut butter can help curb food cravings.

Alternative Way Of Appetite Suppression
If this all seems like too much hard work, an appetite suppressant can provide another way of helping to suppress appetite.

Adiphene is a natural appetite suppressant with a difference.  
Containing a potent formulation that includes Glucomannan and Guarana extract, it tackles all main issues with dieting; helps to suppress food cravings, burn unwanted fat effectively and help to bind dietary fat so that the fat is not stored and instead, passes through the body naturally.

Just two capsules a day 20 minutes before a meal can help you to maintain a healthy weight in a controlled and safe way. 

What Is An Appetite Suppressant?

An appetite suppressant (or appetite suppressor) is a dietary weight loss supplement that mimics the feeling of satiety or ‘fullness’ in the stomach so that you feel satisfied between meals and do not have the urge to snack.

Appetite suppressants are believed to work by increasing the levels of serotonin (the feel good hormone) in the brain that is responsible for controlling the mood and also the appetite, tricking the brain into believing the stomach is full.
These can be especially beneficial if you find the temptation to snack too hard to ignore as they can help to reduce your daily calorific intake resulting in weight loss. 
The majority of appetite suppressants are natural, usually containing plant or herbal extracts, though there are a few appetite suppressants that are prescription only.

Natural Appetite Suppressants Vs. Prescription Appetite Suppressants
One of the most widely used prescription appetite suppressants is phentermine (Also known as Adipex-p). It is normally prescribed only for obese (extremely overweight) patients with a BMI over 30, or those with a BMI over 27 who are at risk of serious illness or disease if they do not lose weight.
 It is generally prescribed as a short-term solution i.e. a few weeks. While phentermine is highly effective at controlling weight, it can cause very serious side effects in some individuals and has the potential to be highly addictive due to its similarity to the amphetamine family which is why it needs close monitoring by a doctor.
There are a wide range of natural appetite suppressants available providing an alternative way to curb your appetite.
Supplements that contain Glucomannan (Konjac Root) extract are particularly sought after.  Celebrity weight loss expert Dr Oz has discussed the significant weight loss benefits of Glucomannan on his TV show.  Glucomannan can be taken as a pill, a powder solution and with shirataki noodles.  It has been called “nature’s skinny sponge” for the way it absorbs liquid making you feel fuller.

Popular Appetite Suppressants

Phen375 – Bestselling appetite suppressant and fat burner
Phen375 is specifically designed as a natural alternative to Phentermine. It contains ingredients such as L-Carnitine, Sympathomimetic Amine (Citrus Aurantium) and Capsaicin-1.12 to help to suppress appetite, increase metabolism and burn fat.  Phen375 has many glowing testimonials from happy customers who say Phen375 has helped them to lose between 3-5lbs a week.

Adiphene - New appetite suppressant that does more
Adiphene is a relatively new appetite suppressant which is described as “the appetite suppressant equivalent of the prescription only, Adipex-P”.  But as well as suppressing your appetite it also helps in a number of other ways. 
Adiphene also helps to:
·         increase the body’s metabolism naturally
·         bind dietary fats together so less fat is absorbed and stored on your body
·         helps to raise body temperature so that the body can burn fat more efficiently
Adiphene contains 12 ingredients including Glucomannan, Chitosan and Cayenne Capsicum. It is one of the more affordable appetite suppressant products and comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so you can try it risk free.

Green Tea – A natural non-pill alternative
If you can’t take pills you may prefer another option to help to suppress your appetite. Green tea is an excellent alternative.
Green tea’s appetite suppressing qualities are believed to be down to it including a nutrient called EGCG which increases a natural hormone in your body responsible making you feel full. Green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine and caffeine is proven to be a very effective appetite suppressant.

Some slimming teas contain green tea plus other teas which may have health and weight loss benefits.  One such tea is Kou Tea which is a blend of 4 teas.


Friday 7 April 2017

The 15 Day Diet Plan with Money Back Guarantee is a groundbreaking new way to achieve stunning and rapid weight loss that’s backed by science. You’ll lose up to 15 lb in 15 days – guaranteed. Learn the secrets to losing weight and keeping it off for life.

The best part is you can get the Program for about as much as a month’s membership at your local gym, or about one third of the cost of a personal training session with an expert trainer.

For just little money for the entire system, you can receive the keys to rapid weight loss and long-term weight management.


7 Secrets to Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals

There are certain factors that not immediately obvious, which when you discover will enable you to easily reach your weight loss and fitness goals. In this article you are about to unearth the 7 Secrets to Reaching Your Goals which will allow you to create the positive and last changes that you desire.

The 7 Secrets to Reaching Your Goals

  • Too many people abdicate accountability for their results onto other people or situations or organisations. That may be very convenient but it leaves the person in a position where they have essentially given away their own personal power to someone or something else. Ultimately, the person is then not in control of their results. So it’s important that YOU take responsibility for your results and that you tune into what’s going on for you. You must pay attention to the feedback you are getting and keep doing the things that are working well for you and make adjustments where appropriate to keep you on the right track so that you get to your goals.
  • Having a clear understanding of your own motivation is a critical element of succeeding in accomplishing your desired outcomes. Spend time and figure out what’s important to you about these goals? What it is that getting these goals is going to allow you to do? Find out what your own internal driving force is and then bring it to mind every time you need a boost of motivation. This is another effective way of keeping you on the pathway to weight loss success.
  • Write down on paper what your goals are. Just keeping them in your head, means that they stay as a bit of a day dream. Writing them down gives them physical form and something that you can refer to.
  • Focus is everything! You have to train yourself to Focus on What Your Want! Keep your thought, your actions and your words aligned to the exact things that you want to achieve.
  • Having written down your goals, this will give you a clarity around what your targets and outcomes are. Pay attention to the sensory based information within your goals. In your mind you may discover that you have a “mind picture” of what you want to be like, how you body is going to look, the compliments that other people are going to give to you, how amazing you are going to feel. All that information that is wrapped up in that “mind picture” gives you a positive image that you can focus on.
  • You’ve heard of will power. Most people don’t exercise their will power these days. They give in too easy. Stay strong, stay positive and refocus on all that you want to achieve.
  • You must take action! Lots of people can talk a good game but when it comes down to it, to get the results you want, you have to do something about it. If you are going to do something, then you may as well do it well. So go for it! Commit to your goals and give it 100%.
Adiphene offers real help with your battle against unwanted fat. Click on the banner below for more information.


See how PhenQ helped Kyra reach her weight loss goals


Sunday 19 February 2017

Phen375 Natural Weight Loss Video

Watch this video recommendation of Phen375.  If  it is just what you need to help you achieve your weight loss goals, click on the banner below below the video for more information.


Saturday 18 February 2017

Carve your dream body fast with CrazyBulk

Supercharge your workouts and transform your body in as little as 30 days with CrazyBulk legal steroids.

D-Bal’s powerful formula mimics the effects of Methandrostenolon, otherwise known as Dianabol, the granddaddy of steroids. By increasing nitrogen retention, D-Bal creates the ultimate anabolic state required for mega muscle growth, giving you rapid gains in size and strength.

How it Works
D-Bal enables your muscle tissue to retain more nitrogen; one of the essential building blocks of protein. The more nitrogen your muscles hold, the more protein your cells can build. This process is called protein synthesis, and it’s what builds and repairs muscle. And more protein means more muscle!
D-Bal revs up your protein metabolism and gives your strength and muscle growth a hefty kick into overdrive.

Trenorol re-creates the awesome androgenic effects of Trenbolone; probably the most versatile steroid of all time. Expect immense muscle gains, awesome strength and power, amazing physical conditioning, fast healing and everything else in between. Use it for bulking or cutting. Whatever you want, Trenorol delivers – fast.

How It Works
Trenorol enables your muscle tissue to retain more nitrogen, one of the building blocks of protein. More nitrogen and more protein means huge muscle gains and accelerated fat burning.
And by stepping up your red blood cell production, Trenorol shoots extra oxygen to your muscles for awesome strength and power during your workouts. The increase of red blood cells in your veins gives you awesome vascularity, and with the majority of gains being pure muscle with no water retention, Trenorol gives you an excellent hard, defined look.
The action hero of legal steroids, Trenorol packs an almighty punch, delivering raw power, pure muscle and annihilating fat, leaving you toned, hard, ripped and ready.

Cutting, bulking, lean mass building, stamina increasing... Find something here for every stage of your bodybuilding program.


Saturday 11 February 2017

Diet Tricks To Beat A Weight Loss Plateau

If you’re on a diet program and have recently noticed that the weight you were losing has seemed to have slowed and it seems like it’s been forever since you’ve shed a few pounds, it might be time to consider that you are stuck in a diet plateau.
Many people will face a diet plateau at some point or another as they do tend to be incredibly common along the weight loss journey. This is especially the case if you’ve been using a lower calorie diet for an extended period of time as the body will be fighting hard to help keep you from starving to death.
But, if you approach the plateau in the proper manner, you should be able to bust through it relatively easily and get back on track to maximum success.
Let’s go over a few of the smart diet tricks that you can use to bust through any plateau you face.

Zig-Zag Your Calorie Intake
The very first thing that you should do is zig-zag your calorie intake.  What this does is essentially tricks your body. At first it may have thought it caught on to you and slowed its metabolic rate down to the amount of food that you were eating.
But, if you then add a much higher calorie day into the mix, you confuse it. Now it’s getting more fuel, so it may start to speed up again to compensate for this.
Your body does try and maintain homeostasis as best as possible, so it will speed up and slow down with just three to five days of intense dieting.
By having some low and some high calorie days throughout the week, you never give it this consecutive period where receiving the same amount of fuel, day after day.

Eat More Variety
The second dietary strategy that you can use to bust through a plateau is to try and consume as much variety as you possibly can. Don’t gravitate to the same three foods over and over again.
Mix it up, as long as they stay healthy.
While this won’t have an incredibly huge impact on your progress, it still can make a difference and every little bit will add up.

Add A Two To Four Day Diet Break
Finally, if you’ve been dieting intensely for quite some time, it may just be time to consider a two to four day diet break.
Sometimes a one day high calorie day isn’t enough to get things kick-started again and you instead need to elevate calories and keep them there for a longer period of time.
A short break off your diet and eating at maintenance levels can be just the thing to get you out of the plateau and on track again.

So next time you feel like your progress is moving slower than it should, consider these strategies. Using them should get you moving forward again so that you don’t end up any more frustrated than you already are. 

Friday 6 January 2017

PhenQ, the diet plls that work and The Benefits of Super Fruits

There has been a lot of talk about superfoods lately, but have you ever heard of super fruits? Super fruits have become increasingly popular over the past several years and they can be found in a variety of food products. There are many claims that they will ensure longevity, great health and prevent aging, but do they really deliver on these promises?
Super fruits deliver antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that can help nourish your body and keep it functioning optimally.
We have all been told growing up that fruits are good for you and the bottom line is that fruits are good for you

What Are Super Fruits?

Super fruits are a class of fruits that contain higher amounts of important antioxidants and phytochemicals that may contribute to good health as part of a well balanced diet. When compared to apples and bananas and other common fruit they score higher on the ORAC rating system. Super fruits include acai berry, Afrian mango and raspberry ketone.
Acai berry
Acai berries are loaded with antioxidants, but they are also full of other good stuff, such as dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, amino acids and essential fats.
Acai berry is believed to help the body fight the effects of ageing better than most fruits.  It can also reduce inflammation, reduce blood clots and improve digestion.
There are hundreds of acai berry capsules available to purchase on the market, both, online and on the high street. Be very careful when buying acai as there are many products available.  Acai berry should always be the first ingredient on the label, however you will probably see it third, fourth or sometimes even fifth. This means there is very little acai berry inside the product and it is more likely padded out with fillers, bulkers and anti-caking agents. It is often claimed that extra ingredients are necessary to process the acai into a useable form, this is simply not true.

Acai berry capsules by Evolution Slimming are a 700mg capsule strength available in 60 capsule packs. 2 capsules are recommended daily, equalling 1400mg of pure acai berry fruit straight into your body. They are the highest quality Acai Berry without any hidden ingredients or costs.

African mango
African Mango comes from the extracts from the Irvingia Gabonensis seed. African mango may be relatively new to the UK, but is starting to take over the weight loss industry in terms of its effectiveness.

Irvingia Gabonensis is a fruit tree found in West and Central Africa, also known as 'wild mango' or 'bush mango'.

The African Mango Diet Pill is said to provide assistance in weight loss, improve total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

African Mango can develop significant weight loss with scientific results. African Mango’s potential to generate these remarkable weight loss results from the favorable changes to the bodies fat stimulating and fat producing hormones. The soluble fiber found in the African Mango also works as a laxative which can also works to suppress appetites.

African Mango has been demonstrated to delay stomach emptying, which brings to increased absorption of dietary sugars. In this way, African Mango reduces blood sugar levels after a meal. The African Mango Diet Pill also is made up of cholesterol improving components with improvements in total and LDL cholesterol. Research subjects revealed a drop in cholesterol levels.

Raspberry Ketone
Raspberry Ketone is a natural phenolic compound that is responsible for the heavenly aroma of red raspberries. According to certain studies, it is also a potent fat burner.

It was discovered that raspberry ketone increased both the expression and secretion of adiponectin. This is important because adiponectin is a protein hormone which modulates a number of metabolic processes, including glucose regulation and fatty acidcatabolism.
If weight loss is not enough, higher levels of adiponection have been shown to control the metabolic derangements that may result in type 2 diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome. As a result of all of this, Raspberry Ketone holds great promise as a fat-burning, health-improving herbal supplement.

Is It Important To Include Super Fruits In Our Diet?
Eating fruit is a way to increase vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals and fiber in the diet. Eating fruit can also satisfy a sweet tooth due to its natural sweetness. No one food including a super fruit is a magic bullet that has the ability to prevent or cure disease, especially if the diet is poor. Super fruits can add important nutrients, and antioxidants to any well balanced diet, and have a lower impact on blood sugar levels. The recommendation for fruit consumption is two to four servings for most people.  Besides super fruits, you can also obtain many health benefits by eating other fruits containing high levels of antioxidants such as blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, cherries and black currants.


It would therefore appear that fruit is not only good for us but can lead to  weight loss.

Use in conjunction for great results.


Wednesday 4 January 2017

Lab360 Burn Body Fat around the clock

Main Benefits:
·         Burn fat even while you sleep
·         Feel refreshed and energized in the morning
·         Suppress appetite to reduce calorie intake
·         Just 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night for 24 hour weight loss

Lab360 AM & PM are two separate formulas designed to help your body burn fat around the clock. The AM formula is designed to give you a boost in the morning to keep energy levels and kick start your metabolism in to burning more fat. The PM formula on the other hand is specially developed to work while you sleep, burning fat even as your body rests.

Both formulas contain Green Coffee to burn glucose and reduce fat, Raspberry Ketone to burn fat by controlling hormones, White Kidney Bean to prevent the stomach breaking down carbs in to sugars thereby reducing calorie intake, and L’Tryptophan which reduces cravings for food so you consume less. The AM formula also contains Caffeine to help give you that lift in a morning to increase energy, alertness, and concentration.

Directions for Use:
AM: Take 1 capsule per day with food or water in a morning. Each bottle contains 30 servings.

PM: Take 1 capsule per day with food or water just before bed. Each bottle contains 30 servings.

See all the deals here:

Bauer Nutrition

Kick start your New Year health regime with Zotrim

Tis the festive time of year and gluttonous guilt is thick in the air! Shockingly, the average person piles on over 50% of their average annual weight increase over the Christmas period. But there’s no need to deny yourself all those enticing Christmas treats – Zotrim, the all natural weight loss supplement keeps you feeling full for longer, meaning you wont be tempted to overindulge.

We all know how difficult it is to lose those extra inches around the waist after Christmas. Those Christmas pounds can contribute to long-term weight gain. Zotrim’s ability to keep you feeling full for longer makes it the perfect way to stay in control, eat less over the festive season and then shed unwanted weight in the New Year.

Using a blend of natural plant extracts from South America, the ingredients have been found to stimulate metabolism, boosting energy to help you burn off any unwanted Christmas calories. Zotrim is also the perfect detox companion to kick-start your New Year’s health regime. Zotrim will stop you feeling hungry during the big January cleanse so you stay in control of what you eat and feel sexy and slender throughout Christmas and beyond!

 Zotrim costs £24.95 for up to one month’s supply and is available online.
