
Friday 15 April 2016

The Importance of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are naturally occurring hero compounds that help to neutralise the harmful free radicals that can build up in our bodies. These free radicals attack things like our essential fats, proteins and DNA and therefore can cause harmful diseases and unfortunately, speed up the aging process!
Therefore, an essential component of detoxing with NutriPlan is consuming lots and lots of antioxidants!

How can I avoid free radicals?
Studies strongly suggest that fast food, low activity levels, stress, frozen meals and fizzy drinks can increase our exposure to free radicals. However, there are circumstances where free radical production is undeniable and often avoidable
For example:
· Smoking and second-hand smoke
· Alcohol consumption
· Excess exposure to UV light
· Radiation
Where do I find antioxidants?
An awesome source of antioxidants is Matcha Tea. Matcha has up to 15 times as many antioxidants as Matcha Tea. Other sources include blueberries, raspberries, apples, broccoli, and spinach – to name just a few! Sources of antioxidants are diverse, more favourably they can be found in red wine and dark chocolate.

How NutriPlan can help…
NutriPlan's carefully designed plans will flood your body with antioxidants. By making these smart food choices and adding supplements that help to combat oxidation, you will complete a healthy and highly beneficial detox.

For example, the NutriPlan Superstack is a nutrient-dense capsule, loaded with ingredients known for increasing your antioxidant levels. For instance, Aloe Vera, Goji Berries, and Coenzyme Q10.

Derived from berries, Acai Berry is praised as a superfood for it’s incredibly high level of antioxidants. Add it to your berry-based smoothies for the ultimate antioxidant kick!

Nutri Plan program has a detailed schedule of the best moment to drink  herbal teas, prepare powders and take  capsules, in order to get the most out of them. This ensures your body receives a constant and consistent amount of antioxidants to help detox your body and fight free radicals.

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