
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Sick of Dieting? Try the Eat as Much as You Want Diet & Drop that Weight Now!

Fact: Drinking teas made from the Camellia Sinensis plant really does act to suppress appetite and speed up your metabolism to burn-off those annoying calories - even while you’re just sitting watching T.V.!
Proof: Study carried out by Physiologist W. Rumpler of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Maryland.

This was a three-day study on two groups of adults who ate their normal diet and
• one group drank 4 cups of Oolong tea per day
• one group drank 4 cups of plain water per day

Individual daily energy expenditure was checked and at the end of the trial Mr. Rumpler announced some very convincing results.

Fat-burning results for Oolong tea
The Oolong Tea Drinking group (without added sugar or milk) had:
• A 3% higher energy expenditure
• Burned off 67 more calories per day than before they started drinking Oolong tea
• An incredible 12% higher rate of fat oxidation
The plain water drinkers showed no change in their rate of calorie burning.

What does that mean to someone who is sick of dieting?
It means that if you drink at least 4 cups of Oolong tea every day for a month, you would burn-off an average of 2,010 extra calories, without dieting, and have a reduced appetite helping you to avoid overeating.

Too slow? Synergise it!
If you combine Oolong tea with Green tea, which also has thermogenic properties, to form a scientifically recognized synergy, the potency of the unique, weight reducing component – catechin – is increased by 5 times!

Add in Pu-erh tea for even faster weight loss
Fact: Pu-erh tea is also thermogenic - plus it helps the body get rid of excess fluids and keeps the stomach feeling fuller for longer.

Proof: A French obesity research study by Dr. Tran Dai-Sy, at the ARMA Medical Research Association, tested the weight-loss effects on 350 people in a 60 day trial.

The subjects ate their regular diet and just added one cup of Pu-erh tea per day. This produced these staggering results:
• 299 people out of 350 lost 5lbs – 10lbs
Imagine how much more weight could be lost by drinking, say, 4 cups per day and not feeling hungry all the time.

If you combine Green, Oolong and Pu-erh in a synergetic blend you boost the overall, weight-loss properties by 7 ½ times!

White tea restricts growth of new fat-cells
And there’s even more good news, because the fourth member of the Camellia Sinensis tea family also has a ‘super-power’.

Fact: White tea breaks down stubborn excess fat and restricts the formation of new fat-cells!

Proof: In 2009, White tea was tested by a German health food company which found that this tea will burn-off existing fat and help stop your body gaining fat in the future.

Need to lose weight?
Nature, combined with scientific research, is offering a safe, speedy and extremely potent weight loss solution to anyone and everyone who is sick of dieting!The full Synergetic Effect of blending these four teas increases their obesity-busting potency by a staggering 10 times!

And that’s how to eat as much as you want and drop that weight now.

Mou tea is a special blend of the finest Green, White, Pu-erh and Oolong tea with a delightfully aromatic fragrance and a fresh taste enhanced by lingering notes of honey.

R.D.K holdings S.A

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